Pete Wright's Radio Weblog
Musings on anything and everything, but mainly code!



05 August 2004

I've had quite a few comments now that RegExinator doesn't work on some people's machines. It's a known bug unfortunately to do with how the code in RegExinator works with the add-in manager in Visual Studio. It's actually quite easy to work around though, so I've done a little video clip to show how to workaround the bug. It also demo's the little functionality that's currently in there. Get the video on the releases page of the workspace at GotDotNet.

I also got asked in a blog comment to post up another screenshot of the tool, so here it is (RegExinator porn)

I had a strange encounter this evening to do with RegExinator. I was working on the code in Visual Studio when suddenly a messenger window from someone I didn't know popped up saying "So, it's an add-in that let's you evalute reg-ex expressions in Visual Studio". Blew me away - it was such an obscure thing to happen. As it turns out the person was Roy Osherove, author of the fantastic Regulator tool, and I'd just been invited into a conversation between him and James about RegExinator. Now, it's so early for RegExinator that when you discount the fact that it's an add-in, it really isn't that impressive a tool. Despite this though Roy said some great things about the project, and even offered us some of his code to connect RegExinator to RegExLib. I was blown away. Thanks very very much Roy. You are a gent.

10:33:28 PM    comment []

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