Wilson Ng started helping the family business since 9 years old. Since then, he had dreamt to be a successful entrepreneur, one who starts great businesses  ( he has started 7) from scratch with insight, guts and initiative. He keeps his focus on growing the business by creating value-- not on politics, or wasteful distractions. He brings the same focus to community service, teaching, life and family.

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  Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Being Tough on Yourself  ( on life)

When I was growing up, one of my favorite books was Robert Schuller's , "Tough Times Never Last, but Tough People Do. "

 I have had the fortune to have had a tough life, which has molded me to the person I am today.

One of the quotes I treasure, and the reason I advocated slow rise to success in a previous post is the "the skills you learn on your rise to success are the skills that will keep you there. "

In fact, if you read most of my posting here, you will note that I am an advocate on being tough - on ourselves, and on our loved ones.

Another quote I believed sincrely was , "Be tough on yourself, and Life will be easier on you. " What does the quote mean? It means...

If you discipline yourself to spend money wisely, then you will have less problems on not having enough money.

If you discipline yourself to plan properly before executing, then you will have less problems doing rework...

If you discipline yourself to focus on learning a skill properly, you will have less problems getting a better paying job...

if you are tough on yourself to eat the proper foods, you will have less problems with your health later...

Sometimes, it is really because we become too easy on ourselves, that we encounter life's toughest problems...


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IBM sets Blogging Guidelines ( on tech)

Blogging made it to the front page cover of Fortune and BusinessWeek the last few weeks.  After claims that Sun and Microsoft each now have thousands of bloggers, IBM claims they have 3,097 bloggers in the internal network, and publicly issues guidelines to all their employees.


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Envy  ( on life)

One of the things that is preventing us from becoming better and happier is envy, which is one of the deadly sins.

We need to free our reins from never ending comparison with others.  When a person from a developing country looks at a person from a developed country, he cannot understand why that person could be unhappy since from his standards, the person already has everything he does not have, and which he considered to be necessities for having a good life.

However, more often than not, we are unhappy and under pressure, not because we don't have enough, but we yearn to have more, because the neighbor has more.

This is underscored by a quote by a famous executive in the IT industry who is believed to have said, "It is not enough that we succeed.  Our competitors have also to fail. "

This was also believed to have been true even in communist countries.  This was supposedly an anecdote that Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev told US Secretary of State James Baker III about the difficulty Russia has in its psychological transition to capitalism, after so many years of communism...

" A Russian peasant finds a lamp by the side of the road, and rubs it. Out pops a genie.  The genie tells the peasant he will grant him any wish.

The peasant tells the genie, "you know, I have only three cows, but my neighbor Igor has ten cows."

"Would you like twenty cows?" , the genie asked.

"No, " says the peasant." I want you to kill seven of Igor's cows".

I am not saying we should not benchmark ourselves, our abilities, and our performance with others.  That is healthy competition, and spurs you to do better.  But do we need also to compare also the size of our diamonds?



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