Wilson Ng started helping the family business since 9 years old. Since then, he had dreamt to be a successful entrepreneur, one who starts great businesses  ( he has started 7) from scratch with insight, guts and initiative. He keeps his focus on growing the business by creating value-- not on politics, or wasteful distractions. He brings the same focus to community service, teaching, life and family.

This is the main page which contains all postings. The reader can also choose a category: techdrivenlife, on life, on businessquotes, jokes, tidbits & reading reviews.  A new category, EntrepreViews, talks on entrepreneurship and also answer reader's queries.


  Friday, May 20, 2005

A Great Puzzle!  ( on readings)

I am posting on reading reviews although this is not exactly a book, but something else --- a puzzle that took as much time to create and design as a book.

It is a great puzzle designed by a Japanese. It is  called the Crimson Room, and you should try it.

According to the person who introduced it to me, you can get to register and email to the creator if you solve it  ( get out of the room) , and though it has been posted for several months, and over a hundred thousand have tried it, only 4,000 are said to have successful solved it.

You start off by being locked in the room, and you are supposed to find the 13 items that will get you out of the room.

If you find:

· 0-6 items, your IQ is very low, total idiot

· 6-8 items, Low IQ, u r an idiot

· 9-10 items, u r normal

· 11-12 items, your IQ is high, above the average.

Try it. There is one clue that I have been asked to share, and it is "1994".  Here is the link.  Good luck!

Would be great to hear about your experience here.

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Are you hiring Smart or Wise People?  ( on business)

For the longest time, I focused our company's goal that we were going to hire smart people, smart people who are quick to make decisions, and who are eloquent to verbalize such.  A readers opinion by Point Roberts of Washington in a recent Fortune magazine issue ( which I could not locate the electronic equivalent) gives pause for reflection.

There IS a difference between being smart and wise, and as he pointed out, wisdom is now being replaced by smartness in the corporate world.  That hit a raw nerve in me, and I can reckon many businesses I know also have the same issue without realizing it.

The workplace of today is now focusing on hiring smart people who are tactical concrete thinkers who can make decisions quickly and sounds great.  However, many of these decisions made on the snap subsequently turns out to have a poor understanding of the complexity and subtlety of various points of view that needs to be considered.

A company should also hire wise people -- people who may make decisions not as fast, but tend to be more abstract and strategic thinkers, and who knows how to incorporate different factors into their decision making, a person who is cognizant that a decision can have good results but bad implications,  a good short term result but a bad long term side effect, and who can understand a potential problem with the decision before it starts to stare right in the face.

Wise people think more abstractly and strategically and incorporate more factors into their decision making.

In a company where smarts are rewarded and eloquence is listened to, the CEO should not forget to listen to the insight that comes only from long reflection, study and contemplation.

Today's near term focus and emphasis on speed results in rewards to smart people and to look for smart people.  The problem of course, is many smart people are not wise at all.  Where is wisdom?


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