Updated: 11/19/05; 12:30:25 PM

 Thursday, April 14, 2005
Swimming with the Great Whites on Your Mac Life
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On last night's Your Mac Life show, host Shawn King featured an interesting interview with Fabien Cousteau, the grandson of the famous oceanographer Jacques Cousteau and his father Jean-Michel. Fabien was on the show to talk about a recent unusual endeavor that has recently appeared on Apple's Pro Video page.

Fabien's project is hugely appealing from pre shark geek perspective, not to mention it's something that is insanely dangerous and likely to get him up and close and personnel with the inside of a Great While Shark should things not go as planned.

Essentially, Fabien and crew have constructed a 14-foot-long, 1000-pound, one-man “wet” sub (there’s water inside) that Cousteau operates in full diving gear that was custom designed to look exactly like a Great White shark so Fabien can literally swim right alongside the Great Whites. It's a perfect mix of "Wow, that's really good" and "That is really, really stupid, you're going to get yourself killed!" but I wish him the best of luck and I sincerely hope everything goes as planned.

The reason this particular project was featured both on the Apple Pro site as well as on YML is that Fabien and his team rely heavily on Macs to accomplish their project. There shark contains multiple cameras which feed the video back up to the boat where they have Final Cut Pro editing stations where much of the production takes place. You've got 6 days to go back and listen to the show for free on YML's site by clicking here or it can be purchased on Audible, specifically, here.

6:22:32 PM