Updated: 2/3/2005; 4:10:29 AM.
The Voice of Global Critics.org
Sharing the global concept of linking minds, thoughts, ideas, positions, gripes, memorials, kudos, warnings and what ever else may present itself. This blog will reflect information entered in some of the forums at www.globalcritics.org/forums/index.php Enjoy and above all participate

Wednesday, January 05, 2005

Morons in the News: Man Aims Laser at Landing Aircraft; Charged Under PATRIOT Act. A man who temporarily blinded pilots by aiming a laser at their landing plane has been charged under the PATRIOT act... It's hard to say what was going through David Banach's head when he aimed a laser beam at a police helicopter, much in the same way he had previously aimed it at a small plane. In the earlier incident, the Cessna Citation with 13 aboard landed... [morons.org headlines]
3:37:41 PM    comment []

Current Editorials: Robertson: God Tells Me about Stock Market, Judges, Social Security. Move over, Miss Cleo; Pat Robertson brings us predictions for 2005, direct from the mouth of God... Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. Matthew 7:15 Pat Robertson isn't known for his subtlety. After the September 11 terrorists attacks, for example, he joined Jerry Falwell in... [morons.org headlines]

I Talked to God this morning at breakfast, and she told me she never called Robertson, Jerry or any of these other slick operators  to speak for her!  She said " Pat and Jerry ought to start an Ice Cream shoppe and specialize in Rocky Road because thats all they've brought to their followers"

3:35:53 PM    comment []

This is an ugly story!

Perverts on prowl

Officials fear sex rings target tsunami orphans...

[Crooks and Liars]
3:30:47 PM    comment []

Been trying to get my email to web log working again. Some how it stopped!

When it's working, anyone posting on the forums site has their post automatically placed in the web log for all (who may stumble across the rantings here ) to see.

Lawrence Lee from radioland is trying to help me (technical idiot that I am) solve the problem.

Once thats solved I'll move on to preparing pod casts and modifyinh templates to change the flavor of the pages. I do have to be extremely careful as My level of skill is just above moron ;-)

3:27:10 PM    comment []

Wow For those of you desiring to get into podcasting, Mixcast is the application you need ;-) Check out the Demo


11:00:08 AM    comment []

Mixcast Live looks very good. [Scripting News]
9:09:39 AM    comment []

Tom Lehrer. "I wish people who have trouble communicating would just shut up." [Quotes of the Day]
7:57:49 AM    comment []

Morons in the News: Miracle Fertility Study Doubted. A study that seemed to indicate women who had others praying for them doubled their fertility has fallen under suspicion and doubts... When the study was first published, it was met with great excitement by the religious zealots: it indicated that Korean women who had others praying for their feltility experienced twice as many conceptions as those who did not. But now,... [morons.org headlines]
2:48:02 AM    comment []

Current Editorials: Zealots Attack Innocent Children. Unsatisfied with merely attacking gay citizens, now some Catholic extremists have set their sights on attacking their children as well... A pair of Costa Mesa men, who are keeping a low profile themselves and declining to comment, adopted two kindergarten-age boys. The boys are being raised in the Catholic faith and the men enrolled them in the Catholic St. John the Baptist School in... [morons.org headlines]
2:24:01 AM    comment []

Reader-Submitted: Parents' group demands denial of admission to gay couple's children.. A California Catholic school is under fire from some parents for admitting the adopted sons of a gay couple. We've all heard stuff like this before. Too many times. Last week in Arkansas gay would-be foster parents won a significant victory in the courts. Happy times! This week, from a state you might not expect, comes some fresh ignorance that proves we... [morons.org headlines]
2:23:40 AM    comment []

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