Updated: 2/3/2005; 4:10:31 AM.
The Voice of Global Critics.org
Sharing the global concept of linking minds, thoughts, ideas, positions, gripes, memorials, kudos, warnings and what ever else may present itself. This blog will reflect information entered in some of the forums at www.globalcritics.org/forums/index.php Enjoy and above all participate

Thursday, January 13, 2005

Current Editorials: The ECLA's Sexual Cowardice. The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America has released its revised report on homosexual ordination and unions, but it completely lacks moral courage... Many readers may not know this, but I was raised in the Lutheran church. I've served as an acolyte, page-turner, usher, sound board operator, bulletin editor and even bible camp assistant. My family was an "every sunday" type, and I continued to... [morons.org headlines]
8:00:45 PM    comment []

Signs of Intelligence: Judge Orders Evolution Stickers Removed. A federal judge has ruled that evolution disclaimer stickers must be removed from textbooks in Cobb County, Georgia... U.S. District Judge Clarence Cooper has ruled that Cobb County schools must remove their disclaimer stickers from biology textbooks, saying "Adopted by the school board, funded by the money of taxpayers, and inserted by school personnel, the sticker... [morons.org headlines]
8:00:13 PM    comment []

Edgard Varese. "Everyone is born with genius, but most people only keep it a few minutes." [Quotes of the Day]
2:03:31 PM    comment []

Richard Brinsley Sheridan. "He is indebted to his memory for his jests and to his imagination for his facts." [Quotes of the Day]
9:08:34 AM    comment []

 Rathergate vs. WMDgate via Eschaton

Fascinating. ...

Nicely done Poor Man!

[Crooks and Liars]
9:08:04 AM    comment []

Dave Barry. "The only really good place to buy lumber is at a store where the lumber has already been cut and attached together in the form of furniture, finished, and put inside boxes." [Quotes of the Day]
9:06:36 AM    comment []

  Since the search for WMD's has ended, and nothing will be found, I say it's time that President Bush be poised and ready to give out a new Medal of Freedom award. Hell, he feels that the invasion was worth it anyway, despite the fact that the primary rational for the war has been debunked. I pick Donald Rumsfeld. What say you? I mean if you're not going to be fired for a job badly done, you might as well get a medal. Even if it'a civilian one.

[Crooks and Liars]
9:06:21 AM    comment []

Here's a handy tip...

if you're thinking about joining the military...

make sure you ask how much your life is worth!

Uncle Sam says $12,000.


[Crooks and Liars]
9:05:25 AM    comment []

Mark Twain. "I didn't attend the funeral, but I sent a nice letter saying that I approved of it." [Quotes of the Day]
9:03:43 AM    comment []

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