Updated: 2/3/2005; 4:10:32 AM.
The Voice of Global Critics.org
Sharing the global concept of linking minds, thoughts, ideas, positions, gripes, memorials, kudos, warnings and what ever else may present itself. This blog will reflect information entered in some of the forums at www.globalcritics.org/forums/index.php Enjoy and above all participate

Friday, January 21, 2005

Former Raiders Center Shot by Police

MIAMI BEACH, Fla. - Former Oakland Raiders (news) center Barret Robbins was shot and critically wounded during a struggle with a police officer investigating a burglary at a South Beach office building.

Robbins, a former All-Pro known best for going AWOL during the 2003 Super Bowl and other erratic behavior, was hospitalized in critical condition....read on

[Crooks and Liars]

3:23:50 PM    comment []

What would Martin Luther King do to President Bush?

Read the Rude Pundit to find out.

[Crooks and Liars]
3:23:33 PM    comment []

Current Editorials: Student Sues to End Summer Homework. A Wisconsin public school student has sued to end the practice of assigning homework over summer vacation...

Back when I was a lad, the six weeks we got as summer vacation was a time completely devoid of all things school. It was a time to rest and recouperate, to sleep until noon, to be outdoors, or to pursue other interests. I recall in my junior year of... [morons.org headlines]
3:23:00 PM    comment []

Howard Scott. "Criminal: A person with predatory instincts who has not sufficient capital to form a corporation." [Quotes of the Day]
3:17:06 PM    comment []

George Bernard Shaw. "I can forgive Alfred Nobel for having invented dynamite, but only a fiend in human form could have invented the Nobel Prize." [Quotes of the Day]
3:16:18 PM    comment []

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