Updated: 3/2/2005; 8:13:56 AM.
The Voice of Global Critics.org
Sharing the global concept of linking minds, thoughts, ideas, positions, gripes, memorials, kudos, warnings and what ever else may present itself. This blog will reflect information entered in some of the forums at www.globalcritics.org/forums/index.php Enjoy and above all participate

Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Shelters and laws :blob1: Wow !!! So much information and knowledge available and so little of it searched for by the Perry county residents! I just can’t believe it ! Ok Here goes! This will be in several posts And will be available at globalcritics.org/forums/index.php in it’s entirety

Humane Society of the United States == educational organization raising millions of dollars each year. Little if any monies ever reach any Animal facilities. They do not operate local "Humane Societies" Nor are they responsible to answer to or for each other

Humane Society of Perry County ==A privately held 501 (c) 3 not for profit corporation with about 35-60 members locally and about $25,000 or so in the bank. Margie Hutstiener is the president of this organization, which purports to help cover the cost of spay/neuter, medical and other related costs to animal care and ownership. However, if you contact the Internal Revenue Service Non-profit corporation section you will find out that her policy of LOANING publicly collected funds and requiring them to be repaid under threat of small claims court action is illegal and in violation of her 501 (c) 3 status. Yet She continues this practice, and has never supported the shelter in any fashion.

Perry County Animal Shelter == Another 503 (c) 3 not for profit corporation. This one currently operates the shelter facility. It has it’s own board of directors, unfortunately there are some that should not be on it. One is a individual the we have had numerous complaints of animal abuse on in the past 6 years, the other is a tad on the corrupt side…but I digress This facility provides a service to the county under the terms it set forth and the county accepted. These folks need the support of the population because the county is not willing to admit there is an animal problem much less be willing to pay for the solution to it! Penny James is Busting her back trying to cope with the animal problem in this county …while the rest of you sit on your laurels because you think the county runs the shelter. THEY DON"T! Hell they can’t even run the county how could we possibly expect them to understand the complexities of animal control and sheltering? So get off Penny’s back!! She doesn’t deserve the crap you people are giving her!

Now On to MR. Taxpayer once again: He wrote >

Q: Mr. Ritchie Questions for the County. 1. You're upset with the taxpayers for not giving to the shelter, but what are we getting out of this.

A: The Shelter is not upset with the taxpayer Shelter operators are frustrated by the fact that the taxpayers scream about their tax dollars, The shelter Folks ask for your help out of a compassionate feeling for the lives of the animals, Give to the shelter in spite of your taxes, because it is your direct donations to the shelter (NOT THE HUMANE SOCIETY OF PERRY COUNTY) that will allow the shelter to operate on an ongoing basis ! your politicians are NEVER going to solve your animal problems as you will see by the existing laws posted below or in the next post!. When you have a County Commissioner that states in a commissioners meeting that "We can’t worry about dog problems, we have to get a shelter built first" you have a serious problem here folks, and any of the Shelter board members that agree with that statement should be removed for malfeasance.

Q: We pay for everyone who gets by with not taking care of their responible,by abuse, over poputations and everything a human can do to an animal. Because I understand that you don,t allow anyone to pick up dogs or cats that ran the shelter.

 A: While I understand your concerns here, the facts are these: The Shelter has no vehicle , it has no money for tax license and insurance even if it did have the vehicele It has no Legal Authority as evidenced by the laws posted further on, It has no staff or the money to hire said staff. It is not the responsibility of the shelter to perform these tasks. You and everyone else are confusing the shelters in this county with Pounds/shelters owned and oper5ated by the counties or citieas they reside in ! THERE IS NO SUCH FACILITY IN PERRY COUNTY!

Q: The police won,t deal with the problem.

A: See the state Laws Posted below and demand that your local Mayors , county and city attorneys earn their keep Or vote them out or better yey recall them ! It’s your Government, bust up the good ole boys club!

Q:.The policitions said the shelter is responible and sign a contract which says the shelter isn't responible for this.

A: Vote for Politicians that have a higher degree oif intelligence, and stop re-electing the ones that don’t!

Q: So again Perry County is back where they started,no were. But we should give money.. Tell us why and we tell you why.

A: Why??? It’s real simple your county and city officials including all law enforcement officials except Cannelton Police Chief Charles Little have done absolutely nothing for the last 6 years, they have paid well below the minimum needed to effectively do the job always taking tons more than they give, lying about giving the shelters funds and equi9pment, and in the end you all kept re-electing them, so???" you want the solution to the problem? the name of the game is "If you wanna play ya gotta pay" So the only way the shelter can help is if the citizens of the county get behind it and earmark funds on a monthly basis to allow the shelter to perform at peak capacity

These answers and opinions are the sole responsibility of:

Glen Goergen Ohio Valley Animal Sanctuary

Offered because I am the second most knowledgeable person regarding animal rehab as well as shelter operation in the Perry County area! [size=3]taxpayer[/size] [size=3]Tuesday, Feb 15, 2005 (09:02:07 pm CST)[/size]


 In answer to none

Q: animal shelter - noticed another county is building a shelter with twice the cost pc is planning but will house 40 animals. pc will handle double (80) animals. what is that county's population in comparison to pc?

A: Answering from the standpoint of a shelter operator Knowledgeable in the operation/funding of same Perry county produces easily a stray population of "CAUGHT" Animals totalling over 1000. The size of the shelter capacity can be based on two things. Do you want to slaughter innocent animals every 5 days or so? Or do you want to educate the citizens and try to hold and carwe for the animals and find them new homes. If you want a Slaughter house operation like your politicians do then ask them to build and fund it! We at Ohio Valley Animal Sanctuary took a stand No more senseless Murder!

Q: if money is a problem now, how much more will it cost to house 80 animals for food, medical costs, personnel, etc. what is the annual operating cost for the present shelter to operate and what are the projected figures for the new shelter.

A:. I operated the Old shelter on about $28 thousand or so a year from the county/cities. And some of them never paid their fair share especially the county, but that’s water over the dam and need not be revisited. All the rest of the monies came from the sparse list of donors we had but MOST came from Ms Anderson and Myself. To operate a shelter for 80 animals PROPERLY and keep all things equal and bills paid animals healthy will require a minimum of $100,000.00 per year

 Q: do we need a shelter to handle 80 animals.

 A: with the amount of animals running loose in perry county, Yes unless you want to all get together every month and just keep shooting them as some do now! These answers and opinions are the sole responsibility of: Glen Goergen Ohio Valley Animal Sanctuary Offered because I am the second most knowledgeable person regarding animal rehab as well as shelter operation in the Perry County area! [size=3]none[/size] [size=3]Wednesday, Feb 16, 2005 (07:02:46 am CST)[/size]

 Here are the Indiana Codes that your local government should be enforcing. If yopu read them carefully you will see that all the solutions to community animal problems are addressed here. All you have to do is call your [political leaders and law enforcement officials to task If you need further information on Indiana laws feel free to contact me at ovas@psci.net

IC 36-8-3-18 Humane officers; appointment; powers and duties

Sec. 18. A humane officer shall be appointed in every city from among the members of the police department. The humane officer shall detect and arrest persons violating humane statutes. He is entitled to the same pay as other police officers of the city and is subject to the control and discipline of the police department. If there is an incorporated humane society in the city, the humane officer shall attend the stated and special meetings of the society and shall report to it, at least once a month, on all matters relating to his duties under law for the previous month. If a humane statute or ordinance has, to his knowledge, been violated, he shall, if directed by the president of the humane society, file his affidavits before a court charging the person violating the law with the violation. As added by Acts 1981, P.L.309, SEC.52.

IC 35-46-3-1 Harboring a non-immunized dog

Sec. 1. A person who knowingly or intentionally harbors a dog that is over the age of six (6) months and not immunized against rabies commits harboring a non-immunized dog, a Class C infraction. However, the offense is a Class B misdemeanor if the dog causes bodily injury by biting a person. As added by Acts 1976, P.L.148, SEC.6. Amended by Acts 1977, P.L.340, SEC.94.

IC 35-46-3-7 Abandonment or neglect of vertebrate animals

Sec. 7. A person having a vertebrate animal in the person's custody who recklessly, knowingly, or intentionally abandons or neglects the animal commits cruelty to an animal, a Class B misdemeanor. As added by P.L.193-1987, SEC.10.

IC 15-5-9-13 Harboring dog without collar and tag; strays; violations

Sec. 13. It is a Class C infraction for a person to own or harbor any dog more than six (6) months old that does not at all times wear a collar with the metal tag attached thereto as provided in this chapter. It is a Class C infraction for a person, except the owner or authorized agent, to remove any license tag from a dog. It is a Class C infraction for an owner to allow his dog to stray beyond his premises, unless under the reasonable control of some person or when engaged in lawful hunting accompanied by the owner or custodian. (Formerly: Acts 1937, c.133, s.13.) As amended by Acts 1978, P.L.2, SEC.1541 .

IC 15-5-9-14 Unlicensed dog as public nuisance; impounding; reclaiming; disposal of dogs not reclaimed Sec. 14. [color=#ff0000]On and after the fifteenth day of June of each year every dog on which the tax has not been paid as herein provided, is hereby declared to be a public nuisance and it shall be the duty of the sheriff of every county, the marshal of every town, the police officer of every city, the constable of every township, and the members of the state police force or game wardens to cause such dogs to be captured and placed into city, town or county dog pounds.[/color] Such dogs may be reclaimed by their owners upon exhibition of evidence that the tax on such has been paid and upon payment of a reasonable fee not to exceed twenty-five cents ($.25) per day. In the event that the dogs impounded as provided in this chapter shall not be reclaimed within twenty (20) days, they shall be sold or destroyed as the impounding officials may decide. (Formerly: Acts 1937, c.133, s.14; Acts 1943, c.113, s.4.) As amended by P.L.183-1983, SEC.110.:blob9:

5:34:58 PM    comment []

Crooked County Commissioner is the Problem

:blob3: To Taxpayer: The Perry County Animal shelter is a privately operated facility operated by citizens that are concerned with the plight of animals and the effects they have on the communites in the county. Shelters in this county are NOT FUNDED BY THE COUNTY! The Shelter offers litimed services to the county and the county pays for those services! Just as the county pays for it's electricity inj it's buildings and it water in it's pipes! So the county does not FUND the shelter. You and folks like you need to wake up! if you don't want to donate to the shelter thats fine, but then stop your moaning! Call Jody Fortwendel, you elected him as he does nothing! The only NEW Laws that are needed are leash laws in each community. And the liscences for cats. Owners that let their cats and dogs run free without effort to control them should lose their animals! The Laws on the books pertaining to animals are more than adequate. Call your local Mayors and demand that the laws be enforced. The only police Department that has made a concerted effort to enforce these laws is The cannelton police department under the Direction of Chief Little, No thanks to the present or previous Cannelton Mayor! Your Politiciansd have NO KNOWLEDGE when it comes to animal control or care! They spend your tax dollars travelling to othwer shelters to see whats being done and come back with less knowledge that they left with. It is the law in the stae of indiana that EVERY COMMUNITY SHALL HAVE: 1: An animal control officer, usually a sworn police officer with police powers. It is the directed job of that officer to seize and impound any animal that is running loose unattende or UNLICENSED, and to investigate instances of abuse and or cruelty among other things! When the OHIO VALLEY ANIMAL SHELTER provided service for the county thwey NEVER paid for the services that were rendered. The county demanded services that we were not set up to provide though we tried fior the longest time to accomodate them. When I finally put my foot down and told the council they had to come up with the money or we would not provide the services the ole boy network took over and jodi fortwendel thought he'd get rid of me! Well I've had the last laugh, just as I and Sue anderson used our personal funds to take care of the animals then we continue to do so now. And you all are left with your lying politicians to deal with the mess they have created with their back room meetings and good ole boy network! Enjoy your selves and stay tune, it gets better and the next few weeks will blossom into national fame.

Oh One more thing...,.anyone in the country can use the name Humane Society, anyone at all that does not mean that they are affilliated with the Humane Soceity of the United States! Wish you folks would do your homework ! Feel free to contact me if you have any questions. Warmest Personal regards to all except Politicians Glen Goergen Ohio Valley Sanctuary Self Supported Giving animals a new Leash on life This is also posted on globalcritics.org and it's two National web blog news feeds:wave:
9:47:09 AM    comment []

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