Updated: 3/2/2005; 8:13:57 AM.
The Voice of Global Critics.org
Sharing the global concept of linking minds, thoughts, ideas, positions, gripes, memorials, kudos, warnings and what ever else may present itself. This blog will reflect information entered in some of the forums at www.globalcritics.org/forums/index.php Enjoy and above all participate

Wednesday, February 23, 2005

PETCO Responds Hi Bryson, Thank you so much for your prompt reply. Your email addy was included in the block of emails listing supporters of the Race. Our apologies for furthering mis-information. This email and my reply will be posted immediately on http://www.globalcritics.org/forums/index.php  in the animal life line section and will also be mirrored on both of globals web blog news feeds


 ----- Original Message ----- From: Bryson Salinas To: ovas@psci.net Sent: Wednesday, February 23, 2005 12:01 PM Subject: Iditarod Misinformation

Dear Glen, We received your recent note about the upcoming Iditarod in Alaska. I’m unsure where your information came from, but I must tell you that you were misinformed about PETCO’s involvement with the race. At no time in our company’s history have we been sponsors nor had any involvement in the race. PETCO is committed to putting animals first in all we do. Our associates are passionate about the animals in our care and about helping our customers take the best possible care of their own pets. If we can answer any further questions or assist with any of your animal care needs, please do not hesitate to let us know. Sincerely, Bryson Salinas Customer Relations Coordinator PETCO Animal Supplies, Inc.

 “At PETCO, Animals Always Come First...Our People Make It Happen”

1:16:40 PM    comment []

A picture named aarp attack ad....jpgMore Slime from the producers of the Swifies.

via  3martini

AARP: Pro-Gay, Anti-Soldier

When you think AARP, you probably think of two things: (1) highly mobilized gray-hairs, and (2) discounts on low-sodium chicken platters.

Now some people on the right want you to think of gay marriage and Sunni insurgency.  The New York Times this morning reported that the lobbyists who brought you the "Swift Boat Veterans for Truth" have been contracted to promote the agenda of USA Next, a conservative lobbying group. To build support, USA Next is portraying AARP – which opposes the White House's pseudo-plan for privatizing Social Security – as some kind of liberal extremist group.

(hat tip Eric and Jim)

[Crooks and Liars]
10:08:59 AM    comment []

 Checks and Balances and the "F-Word"

via SeeingtheForest

 Is there enough going on to make you nervous yet? The Vice President of the United States was the keynote speaker at a conference where other speakers called for "a new McCarthyism" to bring "terror" to intellectuals, saying "let's oppress them [liberals]," and "the entire Harvard faculty" are "traitors." A Congressman said, "America's Operation Iraqi Freedom is still producing shock and awe, this time among the blame-America-first crowd," ? Then he said, "We continue to discover biological and chemical weapons and facilities to make them inside Iraq."

Meanwhile, right-wing commentators talk about
killing American journalists, their premier blogs talk about former president Carter as being on the side of the enemy and leftists have "seamlessly taken up the cause of Islamic fascism" <SCRIPT></SCRIPT> . I have provided href="http://www.conservative.org/pressroom/01272005.ASP" target=_blank>in the company of the country's leadership, you know that whatever comes next isn't going to be pleasant. Things do not appear to be heading in a good direction at all. If you have been following this in the blogs, you know that more and more people are becomming concerned that the Right's rhetoric is growing ever more violent and totalitarian. Serious people have started referring to the "f-word." (See also here, here, here, here and many other places.) read on

[Crooks and Liars]
10:08:44 AM    comment []

How to Be an IPod Radio Star. He's gone from MTV to MP3, and now he's leading a grass-roots rebellion called podcasting. Why amateurs may soon rule the airwaves (begin download now). By Annalee Newitz from Wired magazine. [Wired News]
10:08:29 AM    comment []

Quit Your Job to Blog, Blog, Blog. Fulfilling the dream of every blogger on the net, Jason Kottke quit his day job to blog full time. But Kottke's making it hard on himself: He's shunning advertising in favor of reader donations. Hey, it works for NPR -- kinda. By Joanna Glasner. [Wired News]
10:08:18 AM    comment []

Signs of Intelligence: Utah High School Drops Permission Slip Requirement for Gay Prom Dates. Students wishing to bring same-sex dates to their senior prom were required to provide permission slips signed by their parents; opposite-sex couples were not. When 17-year-old Copper High School senior Jason Atwood made plans to attend his prom with his boyfriend, he was met with a surprising request from the school's principal, Tom Worlton: a permission slip signed by his parents explaining that they... [morons.org headlines]
10:08:06 AM    comment []

A response to carrie Carrie Schunke of leepinliz@bridgeband.com

These postings are mirrored on both Weblog news feeds For News feed readers these postings are available in their full text at: http://www.globalcritics.org/forums/index.php

 Thank you Carrie, Interesting insight, Lets take a moment to evaluate your thoughts.

 I'm 62 years old and run and fund a Animal sanctuary by myself. I believe my behavior is certainly mature especially because for the past 32 years of my life I have treated rehabed saved and otherwise cared for abused starved abandoned beaten and otherwise mistreated animals that were the victims of humans.


 I don't feel as though I unleashed any "RAGE" in my email, trust me I have rage, I know rage but I did not express rage ;-)


 I don't feel I stooped to "childish insults" Wishing "you should all croak" Probably wasn't my best moment, but the thought stems from seeing so many broken bodies and spirits over the years.


 As far as activists being a bunch of nuts??? In some cases I have to agree, as a Rehab specialist, I don't feel as though I am one of them. I presently care for 40 dogs 13 horses and 3 cats, By myself ! That is my choice, no one makes me do it ! and I pay for it with my measly disability check each month. It takes me 12-14 hours a day to feed, water and clean up after these kids. Most will never leave here as they are too mentally damaged to be able to re-enter the so-called "Normal Society"


One last thing........if this were Child abuse, would you still support it? Sing the praises of the event because most did not abuse their children, and ignore the few that might die because of the abuse of a few?

And what if it were your child , or your dog?

So Carrie tell me whats more important ? My Attitude toward folks that in ANY WAY CONDONE this type of event?

Or the Fact that some undeserving Creatures once again are injured or die at the hands of humans for the sake of sport?

 Do you have 10 - 20 friends that are such superior humans that they could match the feat expected of these magnificent animals?

If you do, let me know I'll pay for the harness and sled. ;-)

 Warmest regards Glen Goergen


----- Original Message ----- From: Carrie Schunke To: OVAS Sent: Monday, February 21, 2005 2:15 PM Subject: Re: you cruel astards!

You'd have a lot better results if you behaved maturely, weren't prone to rages, and didn't stoop to childish insults. You are the type of person who cause animal rights activists to be labeled a bunch of nuts.

OVAS wrote: If you want to sponsor the Iditarod then you as sponsors should save the dogs and step into the harnesses your selves! Lets see if you as humans can do what the dogs are beaten to do You should all croak!!!!!!!!! We will start a boycott all over the internet of your products and services

Glen Goergen Executive Director

Ohio Valley Animal Sanctuary

9:12:47 AM    comment []

Response from National sponsor DaimlerChrysler_Customer_Assistance_Center@daimlerchrysler.com wrote: Your email has been received. We respect the issues and values you express regarding sponsorship of the Iditarod. Perhaps you are not aware, however, that DaimlerChrysler Corporation does not sponsor or support this event. DaimlerChrysler Corporation appreciates the fact that the Iditarod has important cultural and civic meaning for specific local communities. Indeed, one of our dealers in Anchorage, Alaska does sponsor this event, as is his right as an independent, franchised business owner. We trust that this will clear up any confusion for you


These postings are mirrored on both Weblog news feeds For News feed readers these postings are available in their full text at: http://www.globalcritics.org/forums/index.php

8:41:33 AM    comment []

Responswe from a Musher These postings are mirrored on both Weblog news feeds For News feed readers these postings are available in their full text at: http://www.globalcritics.org/forums/index.php

 Below is the ONE intelligent response I have received to my original emailing regarding Idiot-rod abuse:

 John Thiel of [font=Tahoma]wear@wolfsongadventures.com Wrote

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Actually, I am a musher who has been there, talked to the vets, others, etc. Have you? The dogs do have a choice. If they did not want to run, they would not have been chosen for the team. If musher’s that compete at this level get as much as a sideways glance or cocked ear from a dog on one of the training run, they investigate. Mushers learn to listen to our dogs. Even little signals are not ignored.

If they do not want to run, we know it. The last thing we want is to injure a dog. We love our dogs! They love what they do! The hardest thing to do is to leave a dog behind at home while we run the others.

 An event of this kind is not perfect. I have no control over all other mushers. I am sure there are a few bad eggs. Most of them are not allowed to enter the Iditarod.[/font][/color][/color][/size][/font] [font=Arial][size=2][color=navy][color=navy][font=Arial] [/font][/color][/color][/size][/font] [font=Arial][size=2][color=navy][color=navy][font=Arial]

If you are looking for abuse, look at all the overweight huskies that are pets. Our dogs live to an average age of 14. That is because they are happy and healthy. I would be willing to bet that thousands of pet huskies die early deaths and suffer joint problems due to their abusive owners feeding them too much.[/font][/color][/color][/size][/font] [font=Arial][size=2][color=navy][color=navy][font=Arial] [/font][/color][/color][/size][/font] [font=Arial][size=2][color=navy][color=navy][font=Arial]Most of the sponsors of Iditarod teams are not corporate types.

They are people who know the mushers they are sponsoring. I guarantee that our mushers treat their dogs better than 99% of pet owners. That is why they win. Their care and compassion for their dogs is something we admire and that is why we sponsor them.[/font][/color][/color][/size][/font] [font=Arial][size=2][color=navy][color=navy][font=Arial] [/font][/color][/color][/size][/font] [font=Arial][size=2][color=navy][color=navy][font=Arial] You have been duped by someone who is profiting by criticizing the Iditarod. There are many great causes when it comes to animal abuse. Try corporate poultry farms, for example.  and chickens living with thousands of others that never touch the ground

 They have no life. Oh, I forgot, that is not as exciting as a high profile dogsled race. NO ONE IS PROTESTING THESE ABUSES BECAUSE NO ONE WILL SEND THEIR ORGANIZATIONS MONEY FOR PROTECTING CHICKENS

8:39:10 AM    comment []

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