Thanks to John Hanks of National Instruments who gave me pointers to a couple of blogs that I didn't know about--plus the idea to share some blogs that I regularly read. Last month I recapped the industrial blogs that I follow.
Most of the other blogs I read are from the "tech" world:
Doc Searls, senior editor of Linux Journal
Steve Gillmor of InfoWorld
Dave Winer, RSS and blog pioneer
< a href="">Ray Ozzie, Lotus Notes inventor and Microsoft chief technical officer
Guy Kawasaki, original Macintosh "evangelist" and venture capitalist
Jon Udell, Infoworld columnist
Miss Rogue, tech marketing
Plus a couple of media blogs:
Jay Rosen, journalism professor and media critic
Dave Newcorn, my colleague and Summit Publishing new media guru
John's picks:
Chris Anderson, editor of Wired Magazine
Andrew Hargadon, author of, How Breakthroughs Happen: The Secret story of Innovation
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