Got a couple of comments back on my Automation Conversation post. In the post, I was trying to instigate some more Web conversation among the industrial automation community.
Benson Hougland of Opto 22 says:
We've been publishing our blog for about a year now. While we enjoy doing so, we are certainly curious about readership. Sure, we monitor hits to the blog area of our site (they're actually not bad), but the user comments are minimal. I guess another example of being a little ahead of the curve with new technology perhaps? One area where our blogs are getting play: Support. We use RSS and our OptoSupport Blog to syndicate support information and knowledge base articles. If a customer subscribes to the OptoSupport Blog, the instant a support article is posted, the customer's reader will get the information. The feedback from our customers (end-users and SIs alike) has been terrific. This is an area we're likely to see more future growth in.
I'm not surprised that support is an early adopter for the technology. It's a perfect fit. Don't forget some of the good things of blogging and RSS feeds--no e-mail spam; you subscribe, so you get only what you want; it's inherently interactive, so you can question and get answers.
7:36:38 PM