Updated: 9/2/08; 7:23:44 AM.
Gary Mintchell's Feed Forward
Manufacturing and Leadership.

Friday, August 22, 2008

On the non-automation side of life, here's a link to a Zen Habits post by a Brit who is touring the US looking for the real America. How often do you search out the local restaurant or shop? Is your pursuit of the lowest price driving you to shop only at huge chains? Ponder his thoughts about the American way of life that is fast eroding.

5:36:53 PM    comment []

I've been really swamped for the past 6 weeks or so. But I cleared up a huge backlog today. So I'm ready for the weekend and my first high school soccer games of the year. Probably a U15 boys club game on Sunday as well. Believe it or not, refereeing is great therapy. You have to give the game total focus, so you can't think about anything else.

Got to give a shout out to Opto 22 and it's video program. They actually invested in quite a studio out there and a look through its Web site will show the results. As far as I know, they are the early adopters of specific video over the Internet for technical training. I'm looking forward to an eventual trip out there to sit in the "Ed McMahon" sofa and chat with executives. Here's a link to an upgraded training video for both those who want to learn more and those who want to see how they do it. Step aside, Veronica Belmont, here's Alexi.

5:34:04 PM    comment []

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