Scobleizer Weblog

Daily Permalink Thursday, September 04, 2003

One more thing before I go, here's the latest on the Burst lawsuit that several of you have been giving me heck about. Just for the record, I don't save very much of my emails. Why? I only have so much time so I save the important ones. I figure that out of all the email I get I save only 1%.

10:28:35 PM    Comment [  

That's enough abuse for your news aggregator for the evening. I need to go and work on my first presentation I'm giving to Vic (my boss's boss) and several others tomorrow. It's a bit scary and gets the blood rushing!

10:22:16 PM    Comment [  

10:18:24 PM    Comment [  

Brian Johnson is tracking security alerts. It's important everyone get the latest Office related ones. All Microsoft employees are being forced to get that patch. Last time that happened it was a few weeks until Blaster came out. Make sure your friends get that.

Robert McLaws is also reporting on Microsoft patches every Wednesday.

10:17:11 PM    Comment [  

My brother, who's a successful SnapOn Tools dealer (owns a truck, well, he did, until its brakes failed and it rolled down a hill recently and destroyed itself) told me how he sells toolboxes to mechanics who might not necessarily be in the market for toolboxes:

"What color would you like," he asks them.

He explains that that gets them talking. "But I don't have enough tools," one might answer. "That's OK, let's go over and take care of that problem" my brother answers.

Successful sales is often just asking questions and getting people to answer.

10:12:50 PM    Comment [  

Microsoft Research is working on a new videoconferencing app named ConferenceXP. Gotta try this out.

10:02:33 PM    Comment [  

MSDN has a list of .NET CLR Blogs. All the hard-core information you want and more.

10:01:38 PM    Comment [  

Here's a bunch of Tablet PC News over on TabletPC Chris Coulter is, yet again, a one-man PR team for Tablets.

10:00:23 PM    Comment [  

Davos Newbies is noticing that group blogs are catching on. Let's see, .NET Blogs, TechED Blogs, and now PDC Blogs, who's setting the trend here? Hint: it ain't Microsoft, it's our customers!

9:57:12 PM    Comment [  

Spencer Goad explains why Apple is cooler to the teenage crowd. He should know, he's a teenager. He's also a Microsoft MVP. Whew.

9:51:55 PM    Comment [  

Mary Jo Foley: "The Blaster School of Hard Knocks -- Blaster is teaching Microsoft how to better communicate. But there are other lessons Redmond could stand to learn."

9:46:37 PM    Comment [  

Jon Udell has an interesting Q&A with Adobe regarding Jon's recent column on Acrobat and Microsoft's InfoPath.

9:44:46 PM    Comment [  

BoingBoing reports that Silicon Valley's Computer History Museum is hosting a bash. I wish I was there and could afford the $175 fee.

9:43:13 PM    Comment [  

I always miss the announcement of cool mice and keyboards. I miss the old Natural curved keyboard, though.

9:41:27 PM    Comment [  

I love how the media (well, at least the Inquirer) now takes it as fact that Longhorn has delayed. Geesh.

9:40:16 PM    Comment [  

Tablet PC users, here's a signon utility for using ink. This is cool.

9:39:08 PM    Comment [  

Wow, it's seven weeks away and the PDC Weblogger thing already has 50+ webloggers listed. Including yours truly. I can't wait. Alright, who's gonna open up a chat room so we can all talk interactively in on place? I guess we could always crash Joi Ito's IRC chat room.

9:38:06 PM    Comment [  

9:34:15 PM    Comment [  

What's this gonna be, Longhorn High School?

9:33:12 PM    Comment [  

Keith Pleas's Fugio store is hosting a really cool photo exhibit starting this weekend (done by Microsoft researcher David Salesin. I wish I could make the opening party, but I already had tickets to see Fuel at the Experience Music Project. The concert will be broadcast on VH1 later in the year. Can't wait to rock out!

9:32:29 PM    Comment [  

At Microsoft there's tons of email aliases about all sorts of things. One of them is called Cool Stuff, and this new car/boat got a lot of conversation going. Lots of employees see themselves saving commute time (there's a body of water between Microsoft and Seattle named Lake Washington and getting over it on the bridge is usually a nightmare). Only problem is the $200,000+ price tag.

9:25:38 PM    Comment [  

EBay has a new developer evangelist (Jeffrey McManus) and today he started a weblog.

9:23:10 PM    Comment [  

The PDC BOF (bird of a feather) effort by Ineta is really getting rolling. Here's a cool weblogger-oriented idea. Personal note to Robert: I'd love to help with this.

9:21:19 PM    Comment [  

9:19:50 PM    Comment [  

9:14:22 PM    Comment [  

IBM has a stylish new commercial pushing Linux.

The kid is sorta freaky, though. That's not my idea of how to learn. If that's really how humans (or computer systems) learn, all they'd need to do is watch TV. So linear. So boring.

I don't know about you, but I learn when I teach.

One question, though, if Linux is free, where's the money coming from to pay for these expensive ads?

9:12:59 PM    Comment [  

Work responsibilities have been getting intense (the PDC is only seven weeks away) and home responsibilities have been too (we're finally really unpacking everything). So, what suffers? Weblogging, of course. On the other hand, all your news aggregators get a rest.

Here's a post for your day: Rob Enderle, the Enderle Group: "Microsoft: Hated Because It's Misunderstood."

9:06:47 AM    Comment [  

September 2003
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Robert Scoble works at Microsoft. Everything here, though, is his personal opinion and is not read or approved before it is posted. No warranties or other guarantees will be offered as to the quality of the opinions or anything else offered here.

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