Sunday, December 16, 2001
New Radio 7.1 feature this morning. "As you post items to your weblog, Radio automatically links, through the calendar, to the other days of the month. This works great for the past, but Radio has no way of linking to daily archives that are in the future. It's a tricky little corner, but the problem is neatly solved by building the pages for the month once a night, that way, for example, the calendar on the page for the third can correctly link to the fourteenth."
10:21:18 AM
Cliff Baeseman: "Well the weather here in Central Wisconsin has been sucking for the last few days. So what else could I do but churn up about 4000 lines of code to create a new VB XML-RPC client that well frankly does not suck."
7:37:02 AM
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