Brent Simmons’ Macintosh scripting weblog.
Friday, October 19, 2001
Python 2.2b1 released. It's the first 2.2 beta. "Fredrik Lundh's xmlrpclib is now a standard library module. This provides full client-side XML-RPC support. A server class is also provided (module SimpleXMLRPCServer)."
6:34:08 PM
Apple: Overview of Scripting in Mac OS X. "Mac OS X supports scripting using an architecture whose primary goal is ease of scriptability. It relies on a few key concepts, such as metadata registry, key-value coding, and the Model-View-Controller paradigm. As long as you adhere to a few design principles (which are based on these concepts), you can make you applications scriptable with little effort."
6:19:40 PM
Apple Technical Q&A: Loading Scripting Additions without initializing AppleScript in Mac OS X. Here's a list of technical Q&As related to AppleScript.
6:14:24 PM
SendStory "is an XML (eXtensible Markup Language) editor with communications capability for sending and receiving stories to and from remote locations."
4:47:30 PM
Emilé is an XML editor for Macintosh. "The editor automatically adapts to the current document type (DTD) and is context-sensitive to facilitate correct markup."
10:35:12 AM
For scripters considering Cocoa development, or who just want to learn what it's about, check out Bill Cheeseman's Vermont Recipes. Cocoa -- with its WYSIWYG interface design tool and extensive frameworks -- is another candidate for "the new HyperCard." Also see Mike Beam's Programming with Cocoa column.
10:19:02 AM
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