A Frog in the Valley. Communication + Technologies, le Développement Web comme style de vie!
Icône et lien pour les archives de ce jour October 1, 2002

Pour vous donner un apreçu de certaines idées que je brasses en ce moment, voici trois hyperliens:


Disons que je travaille sur des outils fondationnels... et un dernier?


Pendant que certains brassent les idées (top down), je prépare la trousse à outils (bottom up). C'est dans le milieu qu'on s'amuse et qu'on change le monde, un projet à la fois...

Ouais, je suis un technoptimiste pragmatique, que voulez-vous que je vous dise!


Dual-band Reaches the Laptop: major players are gearing up to put PC Cards capable of 802.11a and 802.11b in the hands of users for less than $150 per card. En effet, pourquoi choisir? [via allNetDevices Wireless News#

Analystes Business/Technologie
Dépassés Allumés
Gartner Burton
IDC Stencil
Forrester Zapthink

Understanding Web Services Management
Taking a closer look at the software infrastructure that supports web services applications, we argue that although web services standards will help simplify many application integration challenges, this distributed architecture will also introduce new challenges for managing IT systems. The emerging category of web services management software offers one solution that balances technical flexibility with business control. Répétez après moi: gestion. Une variation: gérer. Avec une touche à la française? Management. TANSTAAFL#

ZapFlash: Web Services' Idées Fortes
The true power of Web Services lies in three related powerful ideas (idées fortes) that in combination describe how Web Services will change the fundamental nature of distributed computing: asynchrony, loose coupling and coarse granularity. À lire! #

Identity and Access Management Infrastructure
... if you’re a systems architect trying to sell directory technology inside your organization, you can forget it. It’s no longer your job to sell directory and security technologies, because directories are no longer the issue. Over the last year, identity has become a strategic business issue, due primarily to the continuing evolution of what we call the Virtual Enterprise Network. And within the Virtual Enterprise Network, managing identity establishes a very different business case for infrastructure investments, including those in directory and security technology. Un bon survol technico-business, d'un excellent groupe d'analyste, le Burton Group. #

Architecture Matters: The Rebirth of Public Discussion
... blogs accomplish public discussion through a far different architectural design pattern. In the Well's terminology, taken to its extreme, you own your own words. If someone on a blog "posts a topic", others can respond, but generally do so in their own blogs, hyperlinked back to the topic's permalink. This goes on and on, back and forth. In essence, it's the same hyperlinking mechanism as the traditional discussion design pattern, except that the topics and responses are spread out all over the Web. And the reason that it "solves" the signal:noise problem is that nobody bothers to link to the "flamers" or "spammers", and thus they remain out of the loop, or form their own loops away from the mainstream discussion. A pure architectural solution to a nagging social issue that crops up online. C'est une joie de lire Ray Ozzie, un homme qui a investi les 20 dernières années à imaginer, produire et vendre des solutions de messageries... L'intersection des weblogs et du courriel me chicote depuis trop longtemps déjà, et si on rajoute les mailing listes et les forums de discussions je pense qu'il y a quelque chose de très riche là dessous, reste à voir sous quelle forme et comment. #

October 2002
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Sep   Nov

Control Your Domain (black background)
EasyDNS, fournisseur de solution de gestion de nom de domaines et plus!

2002-11-01; 9:34:59 AM

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