A Frog in the Valley. Communication + Technologies, le Développement Web comme style de vie!
Icône et lien pour les archives de ce jour October 4, 2002

Le 9 octobre, créez votre réseau sans fil
You voted, we counted, and the results are in! Your Wi-Fi MEETUP in Montréal will be
Wednesday, Oct 9 @ 7PM, Second Cup, 3498 Park Avenue, Montreal, QC.
Je vais être là et vous? #

Activity Based Computing for the masses. Si vous êtes en charge de développement logiciel ce condensé d'hyperliens et de commentaire est intéressant et soulève un point important dans la conception de logiciels, à mi-chemin entre le user-centered design et les méthodologies de formal system design... We describe Activity Based Computing (...) as "constraining end-users choices by helping them through the maze of decisions required to complete a series of tasks in a particular activity domain." [Sur Marc's Voice#

The flaw in the Berman P2P bill (...) It seems difficult to redraft the bill to carve out the Web and other legitimate network
services, without creating an escape hatch for the types of peer-to-peer networks that the
bill’s supporters would like to see covered. The reason for this difficulty is simple: there is really little difference at a technical level between the Web and peer-to-peer systems like KaZaa and Gnutella.
Un extrait d'une citation et une petite analyse accompagne le tout, à lire sur le carnet d'Ernie the Attorney. C'est quand même génial, parce qu'avant les carnets, je n'avais pas l'occasion d'entendre l'opinion (personnelle mais informée) d'avocats sur les questions qui touchent la technologie...  #

And if you pull my card you pull the ace,
And if you ask me, turn up the base,
And if you play Defender I could be your hyperspace...
[Beastie Boys - Body Movin'] #

Webmorphic Celebrates One Gazillionith Query to Web Service
ServeMoi spokesperson Al Hypko explained how their ground-breaking Web service works. "The genuis of SOAP2HTML is in its simplicity. The user sends us a query that contains something called a Uniform Resource Locator or URL. This URL is the indicator or 'address' of a page of information. We then return a SOAP message that contains the requested information in a format known as 'HTML.' I'm not sure what that stands for."
Hehehe! [via Collaxa's Take#

Will open source finally kill off the $1.2 million CMS money pit?
Pleeeeease! En passant la liste OSCOM (Open SOurce Content Management) aborde d'excellentes questions par les temps qui courent, je vous poste le lien quand je le retrouve...
[via Hack the Planet#

AmazonBox - WSDL v1.1
Interface to Amazon.com Web Services that returns a browser friendly string formatted HTML table with up to 9 product links and their associated prices, images, and manufacturers. [via bLOGical via New Web Services from SalCentral]  #

Bugbear infections top 60000
Infections by the Bugbear worm (also known as Tanatos) have rocketed overnight - but this new threat has had unexpected benefits.
Voir aussi :
Virus Alert: Bugbear Worm Spreads Rapidly Extreme Tech
Bugbear eats credit cards, passwords GamblingMagazine.com
TechCentral - ZDNet - Security Focus - Business Week - et  17 autres sources »
Ça commence à être sérieux...
[via Google Technology News#

October 2002
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Control Your Domain (black background)
EasyDNS, fournisseur de solution de gestion de nom de domaines et plus!

2002-10-31; 1:33:11 PM

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Commentaires par YACCS