A Frog in the Valley. Communication + Technologies, le Développement Web comme style de vie!
Icône et lien pour les archives de ce jour October 6, 2002

Je repasse dans mes vieux bookmarks, c'est très rare que je garde des bookmarks maintenant, je poste ici, je ne garde que les sites de référence que j'utilise souvent et qui se retrouvent dans ma barre de liens, toujours en vue... Alors la fonction de bookmark me sert de cache temporaire d'items à poster sur mon carnet. #

Economist.com: Internet standards can no longer be written by technology firms alone#

MapPoint .NET Basic Services
Microsoft MapPoint .NET is a hosted, programmable XML Web Service that allows you to integrate high-quality maps, driving directions, distance calculations, proximity searches, and other location intelligence into your applications, business processes, and Web sites. Potentiellement utile. #

'A Nuclear Bomb' For Evolution?
Critics of Darwinism say skull's discovery isn't all it's cracked up to be. Un peu de science créationiste en ce dimanche... #

Design for Community: An Interview with Derek M. Powazek
I advise clients to never call their sites "communities." Instead, I tell them to provide adequate tools for your members to communicate with each other, plenty of relevant material to talk about, and an elegant structure that encourages conversation. If you're successful, your members will start calling it a community on their own. But since community is a personal business, I'll give you my personal definition of the word: "Web communities happen when users are given tools to use their voice in a public and immediate way, forming intimate relationships over time." I think that covers all the bases. Really what it's about is power: As the site owner, I'm giving away some of my power to my audience, to give them a voice on the site. And that's really a leap of faith sometimes. But when it works, the benefits can be astounding. Interview riche en idées avec quelqu'un qui en a vu d'autres. #

css-discuss: archives. Une référence extrêmement riche. #

Linux-Windows file access
How to access the various Windows filesystems from Linux, and how to access ext2fs from Windows. Find tips on mounting partitions and using Samba, and take a look into the future of Linux-Windows cross-file access. Si ça peut vous être utile... #

The sea change of the Web: What is the Second-Generation, Semantic Web?. Un article qui date d'un peu plus d'un an, mais il est boen écrit et c'est une bonne introduction au XML comme concept structurel. #

Don't fear the OOP, java tutorial
A java tutorial that shows you why Coding Java (or any other object-oriented programming) is just like writing a trashy Western novel. How to understand Java by looking at pretty colors. Une approche pédagogique intéressante. #

Pair Programming
Pair Programming requires two engineers to participate in one development effort at one workstation. Each member performs the action the other is not currently doing: While one types in UnitTests the other thinks about the class that will satisfy the test, for example. Studies have shown that, after training for the "PeopleSkills" involved two programmers are more than twice as productive as one for a given task. Intéressant. #

Cheap SSL Certificates for Small Websites? J'ai utilisé Thawte récemment, une bonne expérience même si maintenant il font partie de Verisign (evil!)... #

Ian's favelets collection
Useful little scripts#

Blog Software
This story attempts to provide an impartial directory of different vendors that provide software for Weblogging, and also links to other folks doing the same kind of thing, such as introducing people to "What is Weblogging?". Comparing pros and cons of the competing offerings belongs in separate stories, so as not to be confusing. Impressionante quantité d'information! #

October 2002
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Control Your Domain (black background)
EasyDNS, fournisseur de solution de gestion de nom de domaines et plus!

2002-10-31; 1:33:13 PM

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