A Frog in the Valley. Communication + Technologies, le Développement Web comme style de vie!
Icône et lien pour les archives de ce jour October 13, 2002

Supernova, a new conferenceexploring the distributed future. It will be held December 9-10 in Palo Alto,CA. We'll consider the impacts of decentralization across software, communications,and media, addressing areas such as WiFi, Web services, Weblogs, broadbandmedia distribution, and rethinking telecom. I'm producing the event in partnershipwith Pulver.com, organizers of the Voice on the Net events. [Via Werblog#

VersionWeb: A Tool for Helping Web Page Version Control. Introducing, an easy-to-use tool for keeping track of web page versions. Easy to use, ça reste à voir, mais disons que je vais y jeter un coup d'oeil... [via Linux Journal#

Which Coding Framework for Mac OS X ? Bonne question et d'excellentes réponses dans la discussion au bout de l'hyperlien... [sur Slashdot#

WebTester - a tool to test your web applications
It acts as a basic browser client but provides a couple of useful facilities: Every time you visit a web page, it shows and records on the bottom of the screen all the info submitted via GET or POST as well as received back in the cookie. Also, it can record a sequence of web-based operations (i.e. filling out several fields over several pages) and then replay them later to do iterative testing of web apps. Utile dans plusieurs cas, surtout pour des applications web ou un mode debug n'est pas implémenté (ou pas complètement).
[Via Sanjay's Journal of Coding Tips#

Stapler 2.2.2 is available. It fixes a couple bugs and adds an RSS 1.0 format. #

Big Ball of Mud
A BIG BALL OF MUD is haphazardly structured, sprawling, sloppy, duct-tape and bailing wire, spaghetti code jungle. We’ve all seen them. These systems show unmistakable signs of unregulated growth, and repeated, expedient repair. Information is shared promiscuously among distant elements of the system, often to the point where nearly all the important information becomes global or duplicated... Hehe, drôle et intéressant à la fois! [via scripting.com#

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Control Your Domain (black background)
EasyDNS, fournisseur de solution de gestion de nom de domaines et plus!

2002-10-31; 1:33:23 PM

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