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Wednesday, June 26, 2002

Drivel:  I am taking this class right now for shits and grins called the History of War.  It is very interesting stuff.  It is combination history and English course; a lot of writing and reading.  It is refreshing to be reading again.  I have not read things like this for almost ten years.  Anyway, I was doing some research for a paper of mine and ran across a page on the Canadian Coalition for Nuclear Responsibility web site entitled "Making a Bomb Using Plutonium From a Power Reactor."  I thought, "Hmm.  A little scary these days, but OK.  Let's have a look."  So I went there and found a comparision of the various plutonium isotopes that you might find in a power reactor and their relative merits for being used in making a bomb.  WOW!  I couldn't believe my eyes.

I thought about it for a couple of weeks, spoke to a few people about it, and then decided to send the FBI a quick note.  I followed that up with a note to the Coalition and their Internet services providers asking them to remove these pages.  I got a nice, but short, note back from the President of the Coalition saying that there was not enough specific information in the document and related documents to be a threat and he would rename the document so not to alarm anyone.  My response back was that this document could serve as a reference or starting point for someone wanting to create a bomb and the United State Department of Energy has removed similar documents from its web site.  I have not heard anything back since sending my reply.  I don't know about you, but this has me a little nervous.

I have been thinking about writing a program that uses all of the available search engines to compile a list of documents available on the web that contain very specific phrases that relate to nuclear and chemical weapons, their design, and manufacturing to see what I come up with.  I wonder if this would be worth something to anyone?  10:48:27 PM   comments ()  

Drivel:  I'm back!!!  It has been too long since I have posted anything.  There is so much, yet so little going on -- in the market, in my life, in the world.  Everyone seems to be standing still, but still looking busy.  Very strange indeed.  For example, I've been looking for a permanent job for the past couple of months, though not very ethusiastically, and all of these companies have jobs listed but no one is getting back to me or calling about the jobs I am interested in.  I have talked to other people in my position and they are seeing the same thing.  There seems to be a whole lot of activity, but nothing happening.  Take the market as another example.  Great productivity numbers month to month, but five weeks of straight declines in the indexes.  Some thing is happening.  It is big.  We will only know what it is when it is over.  10:34:39 PM   comments ()  

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Last update: 7/1/03; 7:38:51 AM.

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