Drivel: My HP PC laptop has a number of documented design flaws in addition to poor operating system (Windows XP Pro) and hardware integration, despite the fact that has a label on it stating "Designed for Microsoft Windows XP". In a sentence, this is why I am switching to a Mac. Here are some hard numbers that support my switch. My HP laptop cut out on me roughly six times a week. It takes me about ten minutes to recover each time it cut out on me. Additionally, each time it cut out on me I lost an average of two hours of work. I lost an hour a week due to actual power failure and thirteen hours of work. This is 676 hours of lost productivity a year due to my laptop's inadequacies. This translates into approximately $68,000 in lost revenue a year for my business. Any questions? The G4 PowerBook, that I have not yet purchased, has already paid for itself.
I would hate to see someone target hardware and software integration as the primary issue of a productivity study. If I am loosing $68,000 a year as a result of these fairly common issues, how much is Microsoft loosing a year? How much are IBM, Dell, HP, and Gateway loosing a year? Not to mention even larger companies like GE, Boeing, AT&T, and everyone else who uses PC laptops as their primary computing device. The productivity loss numbers have got to be in the hundreds of billions of dollars. This is hundreds of billions of dollars being lost (just pissed away) because someone wanted to get to market faster, beat the competitionís prices, or add a new feature that their market research departments said would increase sales by 15%. 5:13:19 PM