Thursday, October 20, 2005

Testing categories

This is a test post to the DevKnowledgeorama category.

When I made the post, I did not see the title on the post. Decided to try adding a link to Dave Winer's weblog in the Link field to see what would happen. When I republished the item, I still did not see the title and link. I then returned to the prefs page for enabling titles and links, and I followed the link to a Radio UserLand page on titles and links. It looks like I need to add macro to the item template (itemTitle). Went to the prefs page for the item template and added the macro, then republished the item. I then saw a title with the Dave Winer link on this category post and on the previous main page post. Success!

I noticed on the category main page that the category title (DevKnowledgeorama) is at the top of the page. It looks like I could edit prefs.txt in the category folder to change the page title.

8:52:06 PM    

Getting my first weblog set up

Set up an email account at GoDaddy today (, waiting to send an email to test it. Once I have that set up, I am going to start transferring my Yahoo email lists to that account.

Started setting up options for my first weblog:
  • Enabled categories, saw the default ones on the desktop home page.
  • Enabled item title and link pref

8:29:33 PM