Meryland : The 52nd state that follows the laws of bloggin' and geekin'


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Friday, December 28, 2001

Cam discussed religiously and politically correctness in a post dated December 27. I understand the situation and struggle with the same thing. I've met people who preferred to be called "Black" as opposed to "African-American" because they don't have any recent ancestors from Africa.

My grandparents hailed from Latvia and Poland. Yet, no one calls me "European-American." So, why should people whose parents or grandparents be called "African-American?" It makes sense to me. However, I'm still afraid to use the word, "Black" when referring to friends. I don't know if they'll be offended or think less of me because I refer to them that way. When I say, "refer," I'm talking about pointing them out or something along those lines. Just like I would admit that I'm Jewish.

When I send out cards in December, I make an effort to find boxed cards (who has time to buy individual cards for everyone?) that are not Christmas-focused. Instead, I focus on peace, happy holidays, season's greetings, and so on and so forth. I never know what people celebrate anymore and I try to respect everyone's differences. When I do know what my friends celebrate, then I write in specific holiday wishes.

It's sad. I don't want our cultural diversity to go away. It's true that America is a melting pot, but it should not mean that we all become one culture. I love learning about my friends' cultures and religions. When they ask me, I'll share mine. All I ask is that people don't move the discussion towards "you're wrong and we're right." It's about understanding, learning, and respecting.

We're all pretty much on the same page when it comes to the new year, so I wish you a happy and peaceful new year.

  10:48:39 AM   

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Last update: 1/11/2002; 11:03:33 AM.

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