Updated: 5/5/2002; 8:56:35 AM.
Reiter's Wireless Internet/802.11 Weblog
Wireless, wireless Internet, wireless LANs and other mostly high-tech musings

Wednesday, April 24, 2002

Google rankings: 
My Web site vs. Weblog

I don't spend much time thinking about my Web sites' rankings on Google, but I do check every so often to ensure that Google at least knows I exist!  I was corresponding a bit with John Hiler of Microcontent News and he mentioned that my main Weblog, Reiter's Wireless Data Web Log, was No. 7 on the list for the search term "wireless data." 

I checked, of course, and it was indeed seven out of some 2,480,000 listings for "wireless data."  I also checked for "wireless Internet" and was pleased that my main Web site was No. 3, although I think I'm No. 6 today, out of 2,910,000 listings.

What's interesting to me is my Web site has been in existence since 1996 and this Weblog has been in existence since November 2001.  I haven't done anything special to "google-ize" either site.  But in a few months this Weblog has reached on Google what is considered, I guess, an exalted position.

7:03:46 PM    

Intel promoting 802.11

Intel is working to provide hundreds of thousands of hotspots across the country, according to an Intel executive quoted in InfoWorld.  Don MacDonald, director of marketing for Intel's mobile processor division, said during Intel's launch of its new Pentium 4-M chips, that the company is aggressively investing in firms that develop and install 802.11 hotspots.

The article quotes MacDonald as listing three major hurdles to the success of WiFi: ease of use, billing for roaming and ensuring there are lots of users with laptop computers capable of using 802.11.  Intel isn't altruistic.  As MacDonald says, "The best thing [Intel] can do is bring another 30 million notebooks that are wirelessly enabled into the market."

6:36:59 PM    

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