Updated: 5/5/2002; 8:56:36 AM.
Reiter's Wireless Internet/802.11 Weblog
Wireless, wireless Internet, wireless LANs and other mostly high-tech musings

Sunday, April 28, 2002

Heading out to Wireless Ventures

I'm heading out tomorrow to the Wireless Ventures/Wireless Internet conference in Burlingame, Calif., April 30 - May 1 at the Marriott Hotel.  I don't go to many conferences where I'm not speaking -- especially across the country -- because most wireless conferences don't provide much information.  But this one looks great.  There will be 50 - 100 companies presenting their business plans, and many of the firms are in 802.11.

The conference isn't cheap -- $2,195 -- but it looks a lot better than events at half the price.  It had better be!

Wireless Ventures expects to have 802.11 coverage at the Marriott, so I'll probably be posting comments here.

WiFi in The Washington Post

The Washington Post
today has two articles about 802.11. 
"High Wireless Acts" is a pretty decent, fairly long piece about WiFi, including some efforts in the Washington. D.C. area.  "Wireless That Works" discusses WiFi equipment and prices.

2:27:46 PM    

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