We're number one! We're number one! Oh, dang, wait...
So they obviously just asked the wrong students to respond, huh? Party school title stumps Indiana University officials
I have seen Kirkwood Avenue on a That said, I did grow up in a college town where the university was in the list of top party schools in Playboy magazine (1987). As a result, I have seen some truly aberrant behavior (most folks who try similar stunts often end up seeing someone like Alwin for all the wrong reasons). The kids around these parts do try, some too hard based on the police blotter, but I'm a particularly jaded individual, and they have a hard row to hoe. They wouldn't have received my vote... 6:16:47 PM [] blah blah blah'd on this![]() ![]()
It ain't the meat, it's the motion... John VanDyk had the misfortune to sit next to a bozo on a recent flight. She berated me for having gardens and chickens and growing our own food. I could spend all that wasted time working at a high-paying job, buy my food, and have lots of money to give away to solve world hunger. Your way of life is just plain selfish, she said. Sometimes people do not behave with an eye toward efficiency or or global goodness. Sometimes people act in ways that are in their own interest (or good for their own soul in some way). One of my favorite jobs was cleaning a tavern on weekend mornings. Getting up that early could be rough, particularly if I was helping create the mess the night before, and I certainly wasn't risking new tax brackets with the wages. But I had the chance to do some manual tasks that allowed me time to think about other issues, a nice stereo with my choice of great music (Esch 15 still ranks as one of the finest mix tapes known to mankind.), and the gratification of knowing that I had made the place transform from a disaster area spewed with garbage (and sometimes real spew) to a place with sparkling floors and neatly arranged tables and chairs. It felt good to walk out into the sunshine, knowing I had made that little corner of the world better for a few hours. The suprise of sometimes finding billls that had dropped from drunks' pockets was pretty good, too. 1:00:26 PM [] blah blah blah'd on this![]()