Updated: 9/1/02; 10:26:07 AM.
gRadio on http
all this and a cuppa...

Thursday, August 22, 2002
GrabWit HTML, an Applescript

Inspired by John Gruber's 'Grab HTML' Script for BBEdit, and the proper way to order an incredible cheese steak sandwich at Pat's King of Steaks in Philly, I now present the following script for BBEdit, GrabWit HTML.

This extends John's script by giving you a default button to slurp the source of a URL into a new window in BBEdit, or another button to also bring the HTTP headers along with the source of the URL.

As John said, "Here's the script. Paste it into your script editor, and save it as a compiled AppleScript in the "Scripts" folder in your "BBEdit Support" folder."

property my_url : ""
tell application "BBEdit 6.5"
	display dialog ¬
		"URL:" default answer my_url ¬
		buttons {"Cancel", "GrabWit", "JustGrab"} default button 3
	if the button returned of result is "JustGrab" then
		set my_url to the text returned of the result
		set my_text to do shell script ("curl " & my_url)
	else if the button returned of result is "GrabWit" then
		set my_url to the text returned of the result
		-- "-i" tells curl to include the headers
		set my_text to do shell script ("curl -i " & my_url)
	end if
	make new text window with properties {contents:my_text}
end tell

Mac OS X users only, sorry.

10:47:34 PM  [] blah blah blah'd on this    

Now the path to GrabWit is clear

I had previously mentioned my desire for an OS X replacement for Dan's Grab HTML. John delivers...

'Grab HTML' Script for BBEdit. An AppleScript version of Dan Crevier's old HTML Grabber plug-in for BBEdit.

Not only that, but the explanation of how this works its magic is very good. Go read it now, if you use the shiney fruit-flavored OS.

7:54:47 PM  [] blah blah blah'd on this    [ blinked via Daring Fireball ]

Jason's lament is shared by many

History does not always reveal us as we might wish to be, but as we were, at least once. I know that many people, not just Jason, regret that there are a few episodes of behavior on the Internet that has been captured in digital perpetuity, or been the focus of others...

Berkeley weblog class. One one hand: I'm flattered to be on the reading list for UC Berkeley's upcoming class on intellectual property weblogs. On the other hand: I'm embarrassed that the selection the professors have chosen is this trainwreck of a thread. I'd like to think that I've spent a good amount of time discussing actual issues of intellectual property -- music sharing, website design theft, software licenses and enforcement -- that are probably more on-point to the site; the recognition comes for a flamewar, though. Alas...

Act with wisdom and restraint, folks, for as ye sow, so shall ye reap.

12:34:29 AM  [] blah blah blah'd on this    [ blinked via Q Daily News ]

The puppy has feed, now.

John G has his RSS feed enabled now, and is seeking input on how much to include in it.

Me, I prefer a full feed, myself, but I do know some others don't.

BTW, John, I think one of the main problems regarding adoption among the OS faithful is that OS X print drivers are still spotty in terms of generating high-end postscript. This is a real issue since PDF has become a valid output, and Distiller is still not native. Once a native Distiller appears, I think you'll see a lot of folks start to flow toward it. I do know that would cause me to have a long, happy dance outburst.

12:17:06 AM  [] blah blah blah'd on this    

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