Eclecticity: Dan Shafer's Web Log : Where author, poet, sports fanatic, spiritual teacher, and dabbler in things Pythonesque and Revolution(ary) Dan Shafer holds forth on various topics of interest primarily to him
Updated: 11/13/02; 1:47:36 PM.


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Monday, April 1, 2002

Baseball is Back!

Yes! My all-time favorite sport is returning to the stage. (I know, that probably dates me. That's OK. I've worked hard to get this old!)

I'm fortunate enough to live in the SF Bay Area where both of our MLB entries are likely to be in the playoffs this year. I'm predicting the Giants will win the NL West over the much-vaunted Diamondbacks and that the A's will give the M's a run for their money before settling for the wild card spot in the AL.

Talk Giants Baseball with me.

Talk A's Baseball with me.
5:34:37 PM    Add your viewpoint [ comments so far]

I got taken in by a wonderful April Fool's joke today. Simon Michel, the guy behind my favorite discussion board technology, the Zwiki, announced he had decided after much analysis that Zope and Python weren't up to the task of managing such a complex project, so he was switching to Ruby!

I nearly gagged. I went to the site and entered my urgent plea not to let this happen without at least handing the project to someone else.

Should have looked at the calendar!

I love jokes that are this good.
5:13:08 PM    Add your viewpoint [ comments so far]

My good friend and longtime colleague Laurence Rozier has been bitten by the Microsoft .NET bug. I'd say he's swallowed the Kool-Aid but that's probably a bit of an overstatement.

He is, however, quite taken with the Shared Source aspects of the .NET strategy as discussed in two key O'Reilly site pieces:

Color me skeptical. I haven't seen the license yet and I certainly don't begrudge MS the right to keep proprietary things like high-speed memory management and other differentiating tools. But their take on how they "legitimately" extended Kerberos is absolute crap as far as I can tell.

I don't see .NET being important for at least 18 months. And in the meanwhile, I'm going to stay with Python. If and when Python has a .NET version and I need to interoperate with .NET stuff, I'll go figure it out. Meanwhile, I'm tired of the bleeding edge. Too many (C)sharp objects out there!

(BTW and FWIW, I think Ximian co-founder and CTO Miguel de Icaza's take on the MS decision to support FreeBSD rather than Linux is right on.)

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10:34:26 AM    Add your viewpoint [ comments so far]

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