Updated: 12/6/06; 8:31:44 AM.
Fluid Flow
Info about Antidunes, San Jose Neighborhoods, plus some Frontier/Radio scripting.

Thursday, January 1, 2004

Earthquakes were in the news quite a bit the last two weeks. First there was the San Simeon quake, then there was the similar-sized quake that devastated the city of Bam in Iran. Today the news reported quakes in Bali and Mexico.

What is interesting is that these do not include the largest quake during the period. A magnitude 7.3 quake in the south Pacific near the Loyalty Islands went unnoticed. It was one of 8 strong (>magnitude 6.0) earthquakes that rocked the area over a two day period (12/25-12/27). In searching for information on these quakes, I found one headline on Christmas day from New Zealand's MSN site (but no story) indicating that the one of the quakes was felt in New Zealand.

Clearly since there was no damage or death these big quakes are something only geologist could be interested in. It makes you wonder, if the ground moves and no one feels it...

Update: The big quakes continue, with a 7.1 and 6.4 yesterday. That is 10 M6+ events in two weeks. If I were living there, I would be diving under a desk every time a truck passed.
7:20:06 PM    
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