Updated: 12/6/06; 8:32:11 AM.
Fluid Flow
Info about Antidunes, San Jose Neighborhoods, plus some Frontier/Radio scripting.

Saturday, January 24, 2004

I grew up with a dog around. I had a dog until I went off to college. My senior year, our apartment had a dog. Since then, I have been more or less dogless. I have more enjoyed the times that I was less dogless, dog sitting for Sandy, Snifter, Reina, and Syrah.

The last few days I was less dogless, having taken in Marty. Marty was frightened by the fire crackers on Chinese New Years Eve last Wednesday night and bolted from his home. Twelve blocks away, Marty found us. We took him in and made him comfortable. It was easy, Marty is a wonderful dog.

Over the last three days I have inquired in ever widening circles, is anyone missing a really good dog. Today I learned Marty's name as I was able to reunite him with his owner.

While I am extremely happy that Marty is home with his family, it hurts to be dogless again.
5:53:54 PM    
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