Letters: SJ BART needed; BART popular, but ineffective: "Published Tuesday, May 10, 2005, in the San Jose Mercury News Letters"
We need BART -- rail's too slow Greg Perry's view of mass transit (Perspective, May 8) is a prime example of why we have a dysfunctional mass transit system in the Bay Area.
(Via BATN at Yahoo! Groups.)
Dan Gordon's letter to the editor shows that while he may be a great beer mogul and good trombonist, he needs to learn about transit.
As a 20 year rider of our "dysfunctional mass transit system" including BART and Caltrain, I can report that I never missed a meeting because of transit. Also, you can get from San Jose to San Francisco faster on Caltrain than on BART. This will not change with BART to San Jose.
BART was hot stuff when I first rode it in 1975, but that was 30 years ago. It hasn't improved since then. Caltrain has. Caltrain offers faster trains, bike storage and restrooms. It is cheeper, faster, better.
BART works where it brings people to a concentration of jobs. BART to San Jose doesn't do that. BART to San Jose avoids existing jobs to go to "Smart Growth" development opportunities. BART to San Jose is not about traffic relief, it is about development.
If we build an affordable, well-connected transit system, people will use it. BART to San Jose is not that system.
5:41:12 PM