Time's Up, Einstein: "His paper rocked the physics world -- and the space-time continuum. Not bad for a college dropout who critics say may not even exist. By Josh McHugh from Wired magazine."
(Via Wired News.)
Not one to shy from physics that I can't understand. I will repeat my belief that we are limited in our ability to perceive the world by our genetics. We perceive our world as three dimensional with time moving in one direction. Since that is what we can perceive all of our observations, understandings and theories are based on that concept.
It ain't necessarily so.
Think about the limpet. It has received just as much evolutionary tweaking that you and I have. It lives on a two-dimensional surface and grazes that surface. It has no concept of a third dimension. The limpet doesn't need understand anything beyond two dimensions, it can't even perceive a third dimension.
Yet, the limpet is as highly evolved as we are. Its body and life style match its existence.
So we live in a three dimensional world where time moves forward. We evolved to understand this world. We have no concept of other dimensions or time moving in other directions, because we can't and these concepts have no meaning to us. We can theorize and hypothesize, but we are limited by what we can perceive.
And, it ain't necessarily so.
1:12:14 PM