Thursday, January 02, 2003

My wife has been taking care of her adopted grandmother Bea since she went in for a tracheotomy. Actually, she's been doing it since before the procedure. She's been doing it since we found out that the reason her voice didn't sound right was because the undiscovered thyroid tumor had started to paralyze her vocal cords.

Bea went through the radiation therapy okay, but eventually it had gotten so she couldn't breath so well, so they scheduled the tracheotomy. She'll be in managed care until she can eat solid food.

When Dave talks about his father, it's a bit like watching what my wife is going through with Bea. In Bea's case, there's a tacit acknowledgement that the thyroid cancer will eventually win, but that's not the point right now. The point is the love and the caring and the learning.

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