Tuesday, January 14, 2003

Now that Paul Everitt is using Radio to maintain his weblog, there might be more of an interest in more Radio/Zope crossover stuff.

Or, it might cause more work to be done to make Zope a more blog-friendly product. Yes, there are many blogs managed in Zope, but none are as easy to get up and running with as Radio. Different focus, different product.

And pay no attention to the fact that he's using the same theme as I.

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sweet spot

I made a small little jump in understanding how to go about coding web pages in Radio.

When I code, I factor the hell out of it. I like lots of little methods that do small things. As a result, when I'm coding a tool in Radio, I end up with lots of little scripts. Go and look at the Python tool or the Zope Management tool, and you'll see what I mean.

Problem is, that's not as easy to work with in Radio. Lots of little windows popping all over. Radio seems to like big scripts, using the outliner (and local functions) to factor your code. It's a much more pleasant experience. And if you really need to make some of those inner functions available to other scripts, it's a simple matter to cut them into a new script.

Plus, I understand that local functions are faster. Another benefit.

All I know is that the code came easier, and that's what counts.

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