If this works, then I've got my publishing pipeline all set up correctly. 8:11:05 PM ![]() |
NetNewsWire Just downloaded and installed the 1.0 version of NetNewsWire.
Pretty cool. I'm posting this entry from the NetNewsWire weblog editor now.
I suppose that's like calling using one of those phones on an airplane to call up someone and say "Hey! I'm calling from an airplane! Can you believe it?"
Or perhaps posting to your blog from your Sidekick, just to say that you could.
Okay, I'm guilty on two out of the three counts. I've never used one of those in-flight phones. |
the name of this weblog I picked out the name of this weblog because I was coming out of a personally dark period, and I was trying to inspire some optimism in myself. I'm out of that dark period. Things really are looking up. But the state of the world makes my weblog title seem fairly unobservant. Things really don't feel like they are getting all that better. I'm doing okay, but the world feels like it's shaking itself to pieces a little bit faster than normal. I've been wondering lately if we're not seeing the sunset of the American Empire. Perhaps we are nearing the end of our reign as the dominant nation. All dominant nations before us, by definition, have had their fall from power and influence. It would be rather presumptuous to say that we are exempt from that trend... Don't misunderstand me, I am NOT advocating the end, I'm just making observations.
We certainly do live in interesting times. As always. |
putting the pieces together When I turned in the PowerBook I had on loan, one of the things I had to back up was my Radio Weblog. I maintained it completely on the PowerBook. TO make Mail-to-Weblog work, I had to leave it running on my desk. That was somewhat inconvenient, as well as problematic when I needed to turn the PowerBook back in. Luckily it was fairly easy to move. I did a fresh installation of Radio on my PC (a 2-year-old Dell Dimension 8100), told it what my usernum was, and then moved the WWW folder and the weblogData.root file from the PowerBook installation into the fresh installation. A quick publish and everything was back to what it needed to be. Pretty easy. Now I'm thinking about adding RCS to the mix -- add the RCS tool to the Radio installation on my PC, and then make the copy of Radio on the PowerBook be a member of that community. I could then use the multiple-author weblog tool to auto-post entries from the PowerBook weblog to my main weblog... it just goes on and on.
It's fun to play with toys. |