Thursday, November 13, 2003
I don't get it.

I don't get it. The Museum of Flight hasn't even put Concorde on display yet, and someone has already decided to take their own souvenir.

Either they didn't understand the significance of how the hat got their, or they just didn't care. And it was taken by the very people who are prepping the bird for display! They must have known.


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python ide

I see in my referer log that one of the main ways that Google directs people to me is by people searching for a Python IDE. This is because I did a project a while back (almost two years ago, in fact) where I attempted to turn Radio into a Python IDE. It looked cool, and sometimes worked cool, but there were many ways in which it was dissatisfying. My personal goal was to make something that I turned to out of habit to write Python code. I wanted to make a cool tool I liked to use. Unfortunately, it never got there for me.

But boy did it make a good screenshot.

I've seen people writing about this project on their blogs lately (well, one or two people at least), and I'd like to say that I'm probably not ever going to update it. However, if someone else wants to pick up the ball and run with it, I'll gladly hand them all the code, and perhaps even write a bit about how it works and what the hell I was thinking when I wrote it.

Send me mail if you are interested.

I'm still interested in creating a Python IDE, however. I am certainly going to continue playing in that space. But I decided that I wanted to go in a different direction. I want it to be written primarily in Python. I want it to have easy interfaces to things like ZODB and Twisted. And I know that this particular choice will limit the appeal of the IDE, but I want to do it with PyObjC.

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