Saturday, December 13, 2003
squeezebox goodness

Seems like every tech person I know has either ordered a Squeezebox or desperately wants to order one.

My wife wanted one of those 100-disc CD changers, but I talked her into a Squeezebox. I'm sure she'll like it better. Who wants to have to look through a book to figure out which CD is which? Wouldn't you rather just select the name of the album/song?

Besides. We'll have more than 400 CD's worth of music available within minutes of hooking it up. Try that with a big CD changer.

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no swipe credit cards

Why is it that people think this is a good idea?

I can see someone getting a portable reader, and then walking down a busy street in NYC, just waving the reader by purses and wallets and grabbing reams of valid numbers. What kind of measures are they taking to prevent that sort of use?

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Sad bit of news.

Keiko has died.

Apparently of pneumonia.

We saw Keiko when he was at the Newport Aquarium. He loved watching the people. At one point, he pressed his nose up to the glass and stared at my wife for a good 5 minutes. It was surreal, here was this huge mammal just as enthralled with watching us as we were enthralled with watching him.

At least he died outside of an aquarium.

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