Sunday, August 8, 2004
New d-Link WiFi router

Instructions on how to set up an Apple Airport Base station as a relying device. I knew that the new Airport Express is capable of this (amongst other things) but I was not aware that the regular airport could also do this.

Unfortunately, my base station just died and I picked up a d-Link WiFi access point. Unlike my Apple base station, the di- 624 has a great range and covers my entire house!  CNet gives it a great review - and its range is amongst the highest of all Wifi routers.

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Geo caching

With the wide availability of GPS units, the entire planet can be divided into discreet units. Spaces and locations can be shared in a manner previously not possible. Enthusiasts have taken advantage of this and have started to hide (and find) ëtreasuresí in various pockets of the globe. Geocaching is the sport of ëcachingí objects at specific latitude and longitude coordinates and then challenging strangers to find them. Currently these objects are unrelated to the geography but at some point in the future it is conceivable that spaces could share their history and significance with any visitor.

Geo url

What else can we do with spaces? Mikel Maron believes that geography and place is one way for enthusiasts to collect ideas. In his application , Geo URL he offers tools to bring a sense of place (in the form of a map of the earth) to blogs and RSS.

Location Based Gaming

Eric Klopfer, in conjunction with the games to teach initiative at MIT has been involved in ëEnvironmental Detectivesí using PDAs and GPS/Bluetooth. This team based educational game takes participants through an outdoor setting challenging players to assess the impact of solving an environmental problem.

8:27:43 AM | # |  | trackback []


Crystal Ball images (very necessary to predict the future ;-) ).


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