A relatively straight forward route that even inebriated people can negotiate If you run and live in Vancouver (and even if you do neither) you might want to check out this very handy route mapping tool. This little tool allows you to draw routes on maps (of downtown and the west side of Vancouver) and then calculates the total distance. You can add labels to your map and the site will even calculate cab fare! This site has been indispensible for my running habit, allowing me to closely track my progress as I work up to the half marathon.
The best part of the site are the 637 saved routes. Best route name: 'home to pink building + back' (16.245 km). Close second: ICK VUL Pub Night Trek (1.8km) - 'A relatively straight forward route that even inebriated people can negotiate'. 12:20:26 AM | # | | trackback []