Friday, January 9, 2004 |
I was talking with a friend the other night about losing loved ones. I can't remember her exact words but she included imagery that described how our relationships with each other could be pictured as inter connections. She went on to describe how when we lose a loved one it feels like part of those connections are lost.
Tonight I was over reading Marek and he was writing similarly about some quotes from Joseph Conrad's "Notes on Life and Letters" : "one can not help but to see a man fully aware of the passing of life, fragile skeleton we all build with our relationships to others, the others' skeletons of life; and then to know that our constructions were only a mere temporary housing for the humanity we only have had glimpses of, and perhaps some of our pieces of construction material and methods shall be used as building blocks for others that will come after us to afford them better glimpses of humanity within themeslves, chance will tell."
I would never have thought that I would feel like one of those "others that will come after us", but I find myself in that place.
9:03:11 PM
One of the RSS feeds I get in my aggregator is the
current weather.
I work everyday in the engineering section of the building in a nice
cube next to a window, a frosted window that doesn't provide any idea
of what the outside elements are like other than dark or light.
Sometimes it's nice to know that the weather outside is gorgeous. Today
I ran out for a quick fast food lunch so I was able to see how
beautiful it really is.
1:30:00 PM
It's not all about quiting or giving up stuff. Cindy was a dietitian
and she always said everything in moderation, eat a varied diet and
only eat as much as you need. Don't eat so fast that you don't realize
you are full. That was always my downfall, I would eat so fast my body
never had time to tell me it was full. It was too busy trying to deal
with all this stuff I was putting in my mouth :) Once I started to slow
down I found that I did start to eat less because I would feel full
before I got the chance to eat all the food that was present. You know
the "how can I be full when there's still more food?"
I think that this theory can be extended to many things we do in
life. I don't watch too much TV (when would I have time for that?) and
I haven't been drinking anything for a few weeks. Mostly because I was
sick, and now I'm on medications, but I plan on resuming my wine or
beer with dinner once I'm well again. And partly because I got a bunch
of beer and wine as gifts and I can't let it go to waste. I should have
enough to last me till summer though. ":->"
1:24:38 PM
And speaking of happiness, I found Bernie when I was really in need of some fun, and at his site I found my mantra:
"You can't choose to be happy, but you can choose to have fun."
Oh, and how can anyone be so happy at 4:30 in the morning?
9:42:54 AM
Halley is talking Happy today. She points to an article which had one line that sums up what I would like to get better at.
"Really emphasize and think about emphasizing good behavior because then you get a child who likes doing good things."
Everything I read says the same things, our children inherently want to please us. Even when they do things that we don't like, deep down they are trying to get our attention and want to do things that we will praise them for. Now how do I make cleaning the bedrooms something good that they will want to do?
9:35:47 AM
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