Updated: 3/1/04; 8:48:01 AM.
A Man with a Ph.D. - Richard Gayle's Weblog
An attempt to use Radio to further my goal for world domination through the study of biology, computing and knowledge management.

Sunday, February 29, 2004

I Wonder if Caligula's Horse Did This Well. I Wonder if Caligula's Horse Did This Well - In the How Convenient! department: US senators' personal stock portfolios outperformed... [Unqualified Offerings]

Their stock picks went up almost 30% AFTER the senator's bought the stock. They did so much better than the stock market. All this happened while we were being diverted by Bill and Monica. I would be willing to bet that those who scoffed at the sex are upset by the stock while those who are upset by the sex will scoff at the stock.  comment []1:07:06 PM    

Wooden shoes banned, but guns OK. The Grand Rapids Press reports that Library board members in Holland MI voted allow patrons to carry concealed weapons (and a permit) while at the same time reaffirming its policy to have patrons "remove their wooden shoes when entering the library because the shoes snag the rugs and leave wooden slivers." [LISNews.com]

Only in America. I'd be worried about getting those blood stains out. One shooting is all it will take.  comment []12:58:57 PM    

Hackers exploit Windows patches. Hackers are relying on Microsoft to help them exploit loopholes in Windows, say security experts. [BBC News | Technology | World Edition]

Of course, since many people do not get the patches in immediately, since it could disrupt enterprise systems, many hackers love figuring it out AFTER the patch comes out. they have plenty of time to take advantage. The important thing said, and buried at the end, was that versions of Windows previous to Windows XP, such as Windows 95 had NO security measures at all! MS response is to upgrade. So, they are using the poor security of their systems as an excuse to buy MORE of their shoddy products, expecting us to trust that they have fixed the problems. How does anyone know that in 5 years they will say that all the problems stem from legacy products like Windows XP and that we should NOW upgrade? Nice model. Make people buy more modern versions of your product. Works well when you have a monopoly!  comment []12:35:01 PM    

"Crosswalk buttons are placebos" [Daypop Top 40]

I expect that this is true in many other cities. It costs too much money to remove pedestrian pushbuttons. Much easier to just disconnect. It would be nice. however, if they just put a sticker on each saying it did not function. That should be relatively cheap and would keep all those people from hopelessly pushing the button.  comment []12:28:42 PM    

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Last update: 3/1/04; 8:48:01 AM.