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If he needs a third eye, he just grows it.
Updated: 10/23/2004; 12:50:23 PM.


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Wednesday, February 18, 2004

Science Fiction Inventions by Publication Date [bOing bOing]
10:35:09 PM  Permalink  comment []

Now it's Alabama....

From the Montgomery Advertiser, news of a bill to encourage creationism in the classroom:

If passed, the bill would apply to all levels of education and would provide teachers and students the legal right to discuss religious-based creationism within the lesson of human origin. The bill also calls for employment and tenure protection for any... [Pharyngula]

10:32:06 PM  Permalink  comment []

Cash family rejects piles of cash. The family of the late Johnny Cash is outraged at a plan to use his 1963 classic song, Ring of Fire, to promote a haemorrhoid ointment. [Telegraph News | International News]
10:30:55 PM  Permalink  comment []

I wish life had a remote control like this

Creating The Ultimate Remote, TiVo Style. The New York Times has a pice on  quite the usability process in designing their well-known peanut-shaped remote. [Techdirt]
It's by far the best remote that I've ever used. As Jakob Nielsen says in this piece, it has a fantastic pause button. The fast forward and rewind buttons are also great, somehow much more intuitive and useful than those on my VCR or DVD remotes. They're so addictive, you find yourself  ready to punch them over and over again in non-TV realms.

10:29:33 PM  Permalink  comment []

[PSA] If you publicly cheat on one of the hottest women in the world, you may have some regrets after the fact. [PSA] [Fark]
10:16:23 PM  Permalink  comment []

San Francisco Mayor Exults in Move on Gay Marriage. In an interview, Mayor Gavin Newsom stood by the decision to recognize same-sex marriages, passionately describing his motives as pure and principled. By Dean E. Murphy. [New York Times: Politics]
9:42:52 PM  Permalink  comment []


Last Friday I flew up to Spokane WA with my son Richard. We spent Friday night with my uncle J.B., then on Saturday we drove from Spokane over to the "Bavarian Village" of Leavenworth for my brother Dave's wedding. A long trip, but spending time with my uncle J.B. (my mom's brother) and his wife Gwen is always a treat. I also got to see briefly my mom's sister Betty and her husband James. I said to Betty, "you look good," and true to form, James replied, "too bad she hasn't been acting that way." Since the death of my mother 20 years ago, I haven't seen enough of them, and they are the only connection I have with mom and her parents, every bit as beloved to me. Having Richard along was terrific, J. B. and Gwen really took to them, and he grew some connections to the rest of the family.

Besides them, I saw my sister's three kids, my brother's two (and Eve, my brother's granddaughter). And an old pal from my days of manual labor in the apples, Roy, who has been teaching lo these 27 years. I don't know how these people get so much older, for my part I don't look (or feel, anyway, most days) more than about 22.

Though I don't know her well at all, my brother seems to have done very well with this marriage. I am very impressed with Sandy, who owns Journey Tours. During the wedding I was very taken by how happy they were and how committed they are, and enthusiastic about their future together. I'm very impressed that Dave was able to put together this relationship. That wedding really picked things up for me; it's fun to see two people, who could have every reason to be jaded and even bitter, take up a new life together.

Then, on Tuesday, I was in San Francisco, down by city hall. At about 9 in the morning there were 100 or so people waiting in line to get married. I had been doubtful about what Gavin Newsom was doing in authorizing the city to issue marriage licenses to so many gays. But I saw a young couple, women, crossing the street, each carrying a red rose, fresh from the city hall. They had a glow about them that wasn't unlike the one Dave and Sandy had on Saturday. I congratulated them, and they beamed, and blushed like, well, brides. There was such an atmosphere of joy and happiness down there I really felt proud for San Francisco's mayor and what he had done. Something that causes so much joy, the joy of committment, has to be good; I can'tsee how the marriage in Washington needs "defending" from those in San Francisco, or how that Washington marriage is threatened by those others. I hope that all those who were married down on Polk Street these last few days fan out across the country and spread their joy and good examples to everyone.

9:32:03 PM  Permalink  comment []

Apple RSS feeds.

Apple has pulled together all its available RSS feeds in one place (including some simple stock iTunes feeds) at Thanks to Scripting News for the tip.

[Jarrett House North]
5:51:24 PM  Permalink  comment []

Outrage!. Retrogrouch has found some more damaging pictures of John Kerry: First up, this photo of Kerry showing disrespect to a... [The Poor Man]
5:00:04 PM  Permalink  comment []

Scientists Accuse White House of Distorting Facts. The group, which included 20 Nobel laureates, said that the White House has deliberately and systematically distorted scientific fact in the service of policy goals. By James Glanz. [New York Times: Science]
12:46:58 PM  Permalink  comment []

. Inquiring minds want to know [Craig's BookNotes]
7:58:50 AM  Permalink  comment []

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