Kerry in 2008?
Kerry in 2008?: "KERRY IN 2008?....From the Washington Post today:Democrat John F. Kerry plans to use his Senate seat and long lists of supporters to remain a major voice in American politics despite losing the presidential race last Tuesday, and he is assessing..."
(Via Political Animal.)
I've been thinking about this lately. Kerry would make a very good president, I think, and was really getting hopeful about this two weeks ago. Kerry received the second greatest number of votes for president as any candidate in history. Trouble is, this time around, that was like Ken's comment about what's the worst hand in poker: the second best hand at the table. But I do think Kerry would make a good candidate next time around, or shouldn't be written off. Unlike most losing presidential candidates, he still has his post in the Senate, and should be a leading voice for Democrats. Better still would be Bill Clinton in congress.
8:55:21 AM Permalink