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If he needs a third eye, he just grows it.
Updated: 12/2/2004; 9:23:52 PM.


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Thursday, November 11, 2004

The Unthinkable Becomes Normal

This is some amazing, outraged essay by John Pilger, who I haven't read before. This morning I was in bed listening to the radio, and NPR reported that X number of American soldiers had been killed or injured, and X number of "insurgents." I wondered at the time how many innocent civilians were counted in those "insurgents" or if that was a separate number, too horrifying to relate. Pilger discusses how and why this is.

Edward S Herman's landmark essay, "The Banality of Evil", has never seemed more apposite. "Doing terrible things in an organised and systematic way rests on 'normalisation'," wrote Herman. "There is usually a division of labour in doing and rationalising the unthinkable, with the direct brutalising and killing done by one set of individuals . . . others working on improving technology (a better crematory gas, a longer burning and more adhesive napalm, bomb fragments that penetrate flesh in hard-to-trace patterns). It is the function of the experts, and the mainstream media, to normalise the unthinkable for the general public."

On Radio 4's Today (6 November), a BBC reporter in Baghdad referred to the coming attack on the city of Fallujah as "dangerous" and "very dangerous" for the Americans. When asked about civilians, he said, reassuringly, that the US marines were "going about with a Tannoy" telling people to get out. He omitted to say that tens of thousands of people would be left in the city. He mentioned in passing the "most intense bombing" of the city with no suggestion of what that meant for people beneath the bombs.

Read on. This is horrifying stuff. We're going to be paying for this war, not just in dollars, for generations.

5:37:30 PM  Permalink  comment []

[Followup] Arafat still dead

[Followup] Arafat still dead: "[ABC News]"

(Via Fark.)

5:06:33 PM  Permalink  comment []

Terry Gross Beats The Hell Out of Bill O'Reily!

Terry Gross Beats The Hell Out of Bill O'Reily!: "Unconfirmed sources report that NPR host Terry Gross has delivered a serious beating to FOX demagogue Bill O'Reily. The incident occurred at FOX studios during a taping of O'Reilly's news magazine The Factor. O'Reilly apparently pushed Ms. Gross a little too far and she decided to lay some smack down on the FOX News personality. FOX news would not comment on the incident, but Ms. Gross said in a statement. 'Some one had to do it.""

(Via Unconfirmed Sources.)

2:48:13 PM  Permalink  comment []

Frank Rich Talks Sense on "Moral Values"

Frank Rich Talks Sense on "Moral Values": On ‘Moral Values,’ It’s Blue in a Landslide

Everything about the election results - and about American culture itself - confirms an inescapable reality: John Kerry’s defeat notwithstanding, it’s blue America, not red, that is inexorably winning the culture war, and by a landslide. Kerry voters who have been flagellating themselves since Election Day with a vengeance worthy of “The Passion of the Christ” should wake up and smell the Chardonnay.

[…] The Democrats’ Ashton Kutcher is trumped by the Republicans’ Britney Spears. Excess and vulgarity, as always, enjoy a vast, bipartisan constituency, and in a democracy no political party will ever stamp them out.

If anyone is laughing all the way to the bank this election year, it must be the undisputed king of the red cultural elite, Rupert Murdoch. Fox News is a rising profit center within his News Corporation, and each red-state dollar that it makes can be plowed back into the rest of Fox’s very blue entertainment portfolio. The Murdoch cultural stable includes recent books like Jenna Jameson’s “How to Make Love Like a Porn Star” and the Vivid Girls’ “How to Have a XXX Sex Life,” which have both been synergistically, even joyously, promoted on Fox News by willing hosts like Rita Cosby and, needless to say, Mr. O’Reilly. There are “real fun parts and exciting parts,” said Ms. Cosby to Ms. Jameson on Fox News’s “Big Story Weekend,” an encounter broadcast on Saturday at 9 p.m., assuring its maximum exposure to unsupervised kids.

[…] Mr. Wittman echoes Thomas Frank, the author of “What’s the Matter With Kansas?,” by common consent the year’s most prescient political book. “Values,” Mr. Frank writes, “always take a backseat to the needs of money once the elections are won.” Under this perennial “trick,” as he calls it, Republican politicians promise to stop abortion and force the culture industry “to clean up its act” - until the votes are counted. Then they return to their higher priorities, like cutting capital gains and estate taxes. Mr. Murdoch and his fellow cultural barons - from Sumner Redstone, the Bush-endorsing C.E.O. of Viacom, to Richard Parsons, the Republican C.E.O. of Time Warner, to Jeffrey Immelt, the Bush-contributing C.E.O. of G.E. (NBC Universal) - are about to be rewarded not just with more tax breaks but also with deregulatory goodies increasing their power to market salacious entertainment. It’s they, not Susan Sarandon and Bruce Springsteen, who actually set the cultural agenda Gary Bauer and company say they despise.

But it’s not only the G.O.P.’s fealty to its financial backers that is predictive of how little cultural bang the “values” voters will get for their Bush-Cheney votes. At 78 percent, the nonvalues voters have far more votes than they do, and both parties will cater to that overwhelming majority’s blue tastes first and last. Their mandate is clear: The same poll that clocked “moral values” partisans at 22 percent of the electorate found that nearly three times as many Americans approve of some form of legal status for gay couples, whether civil unions (35 percent) or marriage (27 percent). Do the math and you’ll find that the poll also shows that for all the G.O.P.’s efforts to court Jews, the total number of Jewish Republican voters in 2004, while up from 2000, was still some 200,000 less than the number of gay Republican voters.


(Via Furdlog.)

2:05:06 PM  Permalink  comment []

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