Steve's No Direction Home Page :
If he needs a third eye, he just grows it.
Updated: 12/2/2004; 9:23:59 PM.


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Tuesday, November 16, 2004

And Lo, It Was Called The "Tom Delay Rule"

And Lo, It Was Called The "Tom Delay Rule": "Anything to stay in power.

House Republicans were contemplating changing their rules in order to allow members indicted by state prosecutors to remain in a leadership post, a move designed to benefit Majority Leader Tom DeLay (R-Tex.) in case he is charged by a Texas grand jury that has indicted three of his political associates, GOP leaders said today.

(Via Oliver Willis - Like Kryptonite To Stupid.)

8:48:28 PM  Permalink  comment []

Got Me!

Got Me!: "It's true...I haven't mentioned the murder of Theo van Gogh because secretly I don't hate America at all -- I hate freedom itself and all Western values. So twisted is this hatred that it's led me, an atheist, to develop a profound sympathy for Islamic fundamentalism. That's the ticket"

(Via matthew.)

3:22:40 PM  Permalink  comment []

Praise God, We Can All Eat Sugar Now

Praise God, We Can All Eat Sugar Now: "


(Via Jesus Politics.)

So why did we have the election?

1:58:10 PM  Permalink  comment []

Cell Watch

Cell Watch: "It's only been a week and they're calling Prop 71 - the ballot initiative that created a $3 billion stem cell research fund for California - the new gold rush. Worried local papers are already writing about companies headed West,..."

(Via Chris Nolan - Politics from Left to Right.)

So. We have one state that is actually going to fund revolutionary research. And we have a bunch of states that are wanting to teach their kids that myths published in books more than two thousand years old trump scientific research. Tell me which state is going to have the jobs in a few years? And if you were hiring, would you prefer students from states that back science or those that back fairy tales?

1:03:23 PM  Permalink  comment []

The word of God

The word of God: "This one has been making the rounds for a while, but I always like reading it. I've also seen it addressed to Dr. Laura. In case you haven't seen it: Dear President Bush, Thank you for doing so much to..."

(Via Brian Flemming.)

A chestnut, but worth reading.

11:11:15 AM  Permalink  comment []

$400,000 per Complaint

$400,000 per Complaint: "

The FCC recently fined Fox $1.2 million for airing salacious material in an episode of Married by America. Buzzmachine got the complaints via a Freedom of Information request. It turns out that there were only three original complaints. The remaining ones were copies of a single letter. So that works out to three people in this nation of 270 million were so offended as to write a letter. And each letter cost Fox $400,000. That's some power of the pen. (thanks BoingBoing)


(Via business2blog.)

9:33:22 AM  Permalink  comment []

Skipping commercials to be against the law?

The next two to four years are going to be grim, as the radicals now in charge try to push their bizarre agenda as far as they can. Have a look at this, and tell me they really have the public good in mind:

The recording industry and Hollywood are making headway! Threatening bills may still come up for a vote in the Senate and we need your help, now. Not only do they want to rewrite copyright law (again) to lower the standard required for criminal enforcement of copyright infringement; but now they're changing how you watch TV or DVDs in your own home! The bills (H.R. 4077 and H.R. 2391) also is written to make the way you use iTunes and WiFi a crime.

Of course, it doesn't end there. The big media companies have also convinced Congress that ISPs need to track the activities of their subscribers and keep the information in a database that would be shared with the FBI and the Department of Justice. No subpoena or court order would be required—say good by to fair use and due process!

9:12:19 AM  Permalink  comment []

To E.J. Dionne

To E.J. Dionne: "


Next question?


(Via Pandagon.)

8:55:43 AM  Permalink  comment []

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