Steve's No Direction Home Page :
If he needs a third eye, he just grows it.
Updated: 12/2/2004; 9:24:02 PM.


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Wednesday, November 17, 2004

An Attack on American Tolerance

An Attack on American Tolerance: "

Robert Kuttner writes:

What is uniquely alarming in the United States today, among all the democracies and in our own history, is that a president of the United States is explicitly on the side of antimodernism. Never before has an American chief executive worked deliberately to foment a fundamentalist absolutism that is ultimately tribal, theocratic, antiscientific, and incompatible with pluralist democracy.


(Via Jesus Politics.)

7:39:09 PM  Permalink  comment []

They Want To Kill Journalists

They Want To Kill Journalists: "The GOP base thinks that reporters that do reporting should be murdered."

(Via Oliver Willis - Like Kryptonite To Stupid.)

4:38:50 PM  Permalink  comment []

Bob in Rolling Stone

A short interview, a bit irascible but lots of fun.

1:14:46 PM  Permalink  comment []

TiVo sells your fast-forward button to advertisers

TiVo sells your fast-forward button to advertisers: "Cory Doctorow: TiVo has jumped another shark, adding a "feature" to its PVRs that few TiVo customers would have agreed to if they'd been given the choice. When you fast-forward with your TiVo, it will show you banner ads. That's right -- it shows you ads while you're skipping ads. As Matt Haughey puts it, they've "sold your fast-forward button to advertisers." Time to build a MythTV, before they are criminalized.

People get TiVos for different reasons, mostly it's for the time shifting nature, but the close second most loved feature has to be the ability to fast forward through ads. The advertising TiVo has added so far has been minimal impact. The commercial showcases that show up on your main menu aren't that bad and often have good ad shorts and information, but pushing that into the main TV watching interface seems like a spectacularly bad move. No longer are the ads an optional thing you can dig for more, they're soon going to be pushed in front of you when you use a key feature of the product.


(Via Boing Boing.)

1:12:58 PM  Permalink  comment []

TiVo sells your fast-forward button to advertisers

TiVo sells your fast-forward button to advertisers: "Cory Doctorow: TiVo has jumped another shark, adding a "feature" to its PVRs that few TiVo customers would have agreed to if they'd been given the choice. When you fast-forward with your TiVo, it will show you banner ads. That's right -- it shows you ads while you're skipping ads. As Matt Haughey puts it, they've "sold your fast-forward button to advertisers." Time to build a MythTV, before they are criminalized.

People get TiVos for different reasons, mostly it's for the time shifting nature, but the close second most loved feature has to be the ability to fast forward through ads. The advertising TiVo has added so far has been minimal impact. The commercial showcases that show up on your main menu aren't that bad and often have good ad shorts and information, but pushing that into the main TV watching interface seems like a spectacularly bad move. No longer are the ads an optional thing you can dig for more, they're soon going to be pushed in front of you when you use a key feature of the product.


(Via Boing Boing.)

11:38:00 AM  Permalink  comment []

Goss tells CIA workers to get behind...

Goss tells CIA workers to get behind...: "

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- New CIA chief Porter Goss has told employees that they are expected to "support the administration and its policies in our work," a copy of the internal memorandum shows.

"As agency employees we do not identify with, support or champion opposition to the administration or its policies," Goss said in the memo circulated Monday at the Central Intelligence Agency. He added that he was seeking "to clarify beyond doubt the rules of the road."

There you have it. Intelligence will now report only what the President wants to hear.


(Via Playing with my food, and other things....)

9:52:49 AM  Permalink  comment []

Kerry not ruling out running again in 2008

Kerry not ruling out running again in 2008: "Sen. John Kerry, who has $45 million left from his record-breaking Democratic campaign, hinted on Tuesday that he may try again for the presidency."

(Via News.)

Good for him. Losing Presidential candidates have a tendency to slink off into the unknown, hardly ever to be heard from again. Kerry shouldn't shut up in the Senae, either, but he should keep reminding us of what we could have had as president, especially as the Bush administration failures continue to mount for the next four years.

9:26:05 AM  Permalink  comment []

[Obvious] Republicans on the verge of repealing ethics rule they enacted years ago because Tom DeLay can't meet its requirements

[Obvious] Republicans on the verge of repealing ethics rule they enacted years ago because Tom DeLay can't meet its requirements: "[SFGate]"

(Via Fark.)

8:33:42 AM  Permalink  comment []

[Stupid] Texas cross-dressing tradition stopped by parent's complaint over the event's "homosexual overtones"

[Stupid] Texas cross-dressing tradition stopped by parent's complaint over the event's "homosexual overtones": "[SeattlePI]"

(Via Fark.)

8:33:09 AM  Permalink  comment []

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