Ken Hagler's Radio Weblog
Computers, freedom, and anything else that comes to mind.

Friday, July 26, 2002

smith2004. From smith2004:
I had a dream the other night where a group of astronomers convinced the Government that an asteroid was going to smack the Earth. Like in the movie Armageddon (or was it the other one?), the Federals built a bunch of underground strongholds to hide in until the disaster abated. When the time approached and everyone in government and their lackeys was underground, we used captured nukes to seal the entrances. The asteroid missed the Earth (as we knew it would) and everybody lived happily ever after. I woke up smiling.
[End the War on Freedom]

Presumably this is inspired by the recent discovery of a large asteroid which will pass (or not) near the Earth in 2019.
comment () trackback ()  9:24:39 AM    

Teen Critical After Allegedly Firing At Officer. When they arrived, officers approached the suspect, Anthony Smith, 15, who allegedly drew a handgun and began firing at one of the officers at arm's length, according to WDSU NewsChannel 6 reporter Scott Simmons.

The officer, who remarkably was not hit, returned fire, knocking Smith to the ground. Smith then allegedly drew a 9 mm pistol from his sock and continued shooting, police said. [Yahoo! News]

The thug was firing from such close range that the officer suffered hearing damage. Teenage punks are notoriously bad shots--ever notice how drive by shootings often miss the target and kill some bystander a block away? Still, this is such bad shooting it makes me wonder if the thug was blind. Whatever the reason, the cop is very lucky!
comment () trackback ()  9:18:09 AM    

Here is a great overview of the amount of money from the entertainment industry that is buying votes in Congress.  Berman tops the list on this election cycle.  A couple of things are obvious:  the amount of money being spent to buy votes is accelerating.  It is up 400% over 1990 mid-term election cycle.  How can indviduals even hope to compete against the staggering ~$125 m the entertainment industry has spent over the last 12 years?   Our only hope is that more people become aware that corruption of Congress by the entertainment industry is going to threaten their privacy, rights, and investments (in computer systems). [John Robb's Radio Weblog]

The best thing ordinary people can do is to pool their money and pay for TV ads right before the election reporting how much the candidates took from the entertainment industry. Oh, wait--the "campaign finance reform" law makes that a crime. Only the news media (a wholly-owned subsidiary of the entertainment industry) is allowed to talk about the issues before an election now.
comment () trackback ()  9:09:26 AM    

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