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Monday, November 08, 2004

TEX (GUEST BLOGGER): Doctors Liberated From the Fallujah Resistance!. In case you were wondering why the hospital at Fallujah is a "legitimate military target", this is how the US military justifies it:The US military said insurgents had been in control of Fallujah General Hospital – located on the west bank of the Euphrates – and were “forcing the doctors there to release propaganda and false information”(like this!...tex).

It underlined in a statement that when hospitals “are used for military purposes... [Liberty & Power: Group Blog]

Interesting choice of targets to begin with--the Feds' first priority is trying to keep people from finding out how many civilians they kill.
8:58:43 PM    comment ()

BBC, "The marines that I have had wounded over the past five months have been attacked by a faceless enemy," said Colonel Brandl. "But the enemy has got a face. He's called Satan. He lives in Falluja. And we're going to destroy him." [John Robb's Weblog]

There's a man in desperate need of a Section 8. The Crusaders like to talk about how if you're not with them (the Crusaders), you're with "the terrorists". But in reality, Crusaders are just another kind of terrorist, and sane people oppose both the Crusaders and Al Qaeda.
8:47:54 PM    comment ()

All the Makings of a War Crime. What I believe is then likely to be done to Falluja will be a war crime and crime against humanity, morally indefensible by any civilized standard or for that matter, by the Statute of the International Criminal Court (to which, conveniently, neither the US nor Iraqi Government adheres).

This will be no neat, surgical strike. To get the measure of this, think of the Warsaw rising in 1944, or the Russian Army's destruction of the Chechen capital, Grozny. In 1999 this already battered city (of originally 400,000 people) was finally destroyed by massive Russian bombardment. Today, insurgents still fight it out with Russian troops among the ruins.

Eighteen months ago, before the US-led invasion of Iraq, Falluja was a living city of 300,000 people. Now - depopulated of most of its civilians by intimidation and fear - what is left looks like it is about to be blasted out of existence, simply as a demonstration of overwhelming US power in Iraq.

Of course, the US Army has been for weeks "humanely" encouraging women and children to leave the encircled city through checkpoints while there is still time to save their lives.

The Russians did the same before and during the destruction of Grozny. In a few days, as the battle and the flight of civilians expands, there may be tens of thousands of new refugees in tent cities, and tens of thousands of women left without husbands, and children left without fathers.

If this attack goes ahead as appears inevitable, it will obviously breach the laws of war and the Geneva conventions. First, it will grossly exceed proportionality in terms of ends and means. What intended political or military objective could justify so much death, the creation of so many new refugees, and wholesale destruction of homes?

What threat does the city of Falluja pose to the Iraqi state at this point? Allawi has claimed that free elections cannot take place unless Falluja is subdued. What a spurious argument.

The truth is that this city, which has become a symbol of Sunni-Iraqi political resistance to the occupiers, is to be made an example of, to deter others. The message the siege of Falluja sends is brutally simple: resist us and we will destroy you. It is the same message that the Wehrmacht sent in Warsaw in 1944, and the Russian Army in Grozny in 1999.

This attack will also violate the rules of war and the Geneva conventions in having grossly indiscriminate effects on civilians and civilian homes and infrastructure. America's largely untrained in battle but over-armed forces will start their attack "humanely", but as they inevitably take numbers of lethal casualties, their tactics will quickly escalate to indiscriminate bombing and shelling of the city using their WMD armories.

Eventually, the attackers will flatten the city and kill everyone that still resists in it. Falluja will be the Iraqi people's Masada, and it will sow seeds of deep anti-Western hatred in the Middle East for decades to come. (link)

Somehow, I suspect that he's right. [Al-Muhajabah's Islamic Blogs]

This author make surprisingly good points, given the source. I suspect he may have inserted the absurd second-to-last paragraph just so that the other socialists wouldn't think he had too firm a grasp on reality.

Note that the destruction of the Warsaw Ghetto and Grozny did not in fact end resistance to the German and Russian conquerers.
8:37:22 PM    comment ()

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