Ken Hagler's Radio Weblog
People should not fear their governments; governments should fear their people.

Thursday, June 01, 2006

New CIA Director Plans Massive Increase in Domestic Spying.

Doug Thompson reports that the new Director of Central Intelligence, General Michael Hayden plans to build a domestic spying network that will pry into the lives of most Americans around the clock.

President George W. Bush told Hayden to "take whatever steps necessary" to monitor Americans 24/7 by listening in on their phone calls, bugging their homes and offices, probing their private lives, snooping into their financial records and watching their travel habits.

..."What Hayden plans to do is not only illegal, it is immoral" says a longtime CIA operative who may retire early rather than participate in what he sees as an illegal extension of the spy agency's activities.

Hayden, who oversaw the National Security Agency's questionable monitoring of phone calls and emails of Americas, plans to consolidate much of the country's domestic spying into a new desk at the CIA, calling it a "domestic terrorism prevention" operation.

Does this actually surprise anyone? And did the Senate know what it was getting when it confirmed General Hayden as CIA Director? Of course, it did. As Thompson concludes:

This nation is under attack. We, the people, are under attack. And the enemy in this case is not an Islamic radical hiding in a cave in Afghanistan but a cabal of truly evil men and women at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue and on Capitol Hill aided by carefully-picked, law-ignoring appointees at the Hoover Building on Pennsylvania Avenue, a black glass-walled building at Fort Meade, MD, and a complex in Langley, Virginia. -- Capitol Hill Blue

[Police State USA]

Of course this answers the question of why Congress was so eager to confirm Hayden. It's a particularly good arrangement for Democrats, as they get their police state infrastructure and get to blame any political fallout on the Republicans.
10:11:41 PM    comment () trackback ()

Quote of the day:

What's the point of standing upon the shoulders of giants if your only vision is downwards?

Raphael Shevelev
9:04:39 PM    comment () trackback ()

No Trespassing.

An old man who fired warning shots at drug cops crossing his land on the way back from a "marijuana eradication" mission gets 10 years in prison.

TrackBack (0) | [The Agitator]

The poor guy got what amounts to a life sentence for the crime of outliving the country he was born in.
11:00:21 AM    comment () trackback ()

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