Ken Hagler's Radio Weblog
People should not fear their governments; governments should fear their people.

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

I've started to investigate the options for migrating this weblog to another system, such as Movable Type or Conversant. Radio is currently working for me (mostly), but I have had problems with it in the past, and support from UserLand is pretty much nonexistent. Also, I've used up two-thirds of the 40MB quota that comes with a Radio subscription, and when it eventually fills up I don't want to pay UserLand any more money for space when I've got over 4GB free on

My main priorities when looking at alternative systems are that I must be able to import all of the posts from this site, and that it must be able to work with some sort of news aggregator software.
5:40:39 PM    comment () trackback ()

While I was out buying lunch I saw a sign in the window of a haircut place advertising "digital perms." I guess that's for people with really hairy knuckles.
12:05:36 PM    comment () trackback ()

Silicon Valley Watcher reports that Craigslist is being blocked by Cox Interactive. "This situation does not look good in the context of the net neutrality debate. This is exactly the kind of scenario that many people are concerned about, that the cable companies and the telcos will make it difficult for their internet users to access competing services." [Scripting News]

I'll bet Tor could get around blocks like this.
12:04:46 PM    comment () trackback ()

Looking back at Teddy Roosevelt. Alison Fish writes a retrospective.... [John Robb's Weblog]

Predictably, the article goes on about what a great guy he was and cheers for the death tax. This sentence stands out:

It was Republican President Teddy Roosevelt, after all, who introduced the idea of an inheritance tax in his speech The Man with the Muck-Rake, given exactly one hundred years, one month, and eleven days ago today.

Blame for the idea of an inheritance tax should actually go to the Communist Manifesto, which was published in 1848.
10:28:05 AM    comment () trackback ()

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